February 15, 2009


Flying Colors - Just Nan - Really went out there on a limb - at least for me - with my color choice for this pillow but I like the final result. Debating about replacing the buttons with larger ones. This other finish is from a rediscovered completed cross stitch project. This is part of the months of the year from Shepherd's Bush. I completed the stitching on 6 of the 12 and put them away and never did the finishing work. I like the whole upholstered block look but I am no so sure about the bow. Another view showing the dimensional view.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good, both FO's. Bigger buttons might be cool, but the colors go really well with everything.


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.