October 7, 2007

Is it October? The calendar says so but not the thermometer!

Just back from the CATS Festival in Hershey. Sorry to say, they announced this is the last year. It is disappointing. There is certainly the interest. Like anything, I am sure it is no picnic to organize and run it. I can only imagine the headaches.

At any rate, my girls and I had a blast. We shopped and browsed the marketplace. There was not nearly as many vendors as in the past. We may not have bought a whole lot at the marketplace, but we did indulge. Those chocolate martinis are to die for. Great food and dinners were had.

Let's back track some.....arrival day is an afternoon at the Hershey Spa. OMG! Is this what people from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous live like! Cocoa scrubs, manicures, pedicures, facials. You know that spare change you throw in a jar? Well this is what mine is saved for!!!!

The marketplace was so minimal that we took a side trip on Friday to Mannings Wool and Yarn Shop in East Berlin, PA. Both daughters knit and one spins as well. Even mom bought yarn and pattern for a lacy scarf. I can knit but I am a challenged knitter at best. The highlight was the GPS directions on my daughter's phone telling us to ....'turn right on Peepytown Road'..... well if we didn't get the giggles over what I thought was PeePeetown Road. What can I say......sometimes we have no couth!

So back to the cross stitching part. Bought Jan Nan's Queen Bee pin cushion, bought another needle book - I think I subconciously believe I need a needle book for every WIP - bought a few JBW designs. So cute and so quick to stitch. Working on "le pumpkin" on Picture This Plus "Fossil" with Gentle Arts "Pumpkin" floss. (Or it may be Weeks Dye Works "Pumpkin"). Should be able to finish up this week and may a pillow out of it. Pix to follow

By far the least amount I have every spent at the show......but then we visited the outlets on the way home. Hey a girl needs new undies!

1 comment:

  1. i see you had someone asking for a trade. that's funny. doesn't she know it's all about the stash?

    i just posted about my fiber enhancement and included PEEPYTOWN ROAD. Martin recorded over Henry last night--he held the gnome to my face and pressed record while i laughed. it's funny, but it's no peepytown road.


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.