October 9, 2010

Feel Your Boobies

There is an actual FEEL YOUR BOOBIES week and this is it.  All you sisters in stitching know it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   I didn't stitch anything pink but I am signed up for the 5K walk tomorrow.    Hopefully I can get my fat little legs (seriously-long body/short legs) moving fast enough to finish under an hour.  
The first 5K I WALKED and I stress WALKED!!! the 3-wheel police trike was behind me picking up the cones - how embarrassing. I finished under an hour but was the last lonely sole.  The second 5K I did - I was so excited when I saw the Olympic style clock over the finish line clicking the seconds and I was like wow!  I knocked off several minutes from my former time!  Yeah.   NOT!  When I logged in the the Races to Run info, I found I only shaved off a mere 12 seconds from my previous 5K.  At least I was not last at that one.   The parents with strollers and kids in wagons and toddlers walking were behind me.   So tomorrow I have hope.....there have to be grandmothers with walkers that I can walk faster than.   I hope to one day be able to complete a 5K in under 50 minutes.  Not realy big aspirations.   Maybe tomorrow will be the day and maybe not........but more to the point,  I will be out there walking for the cure and the rest of you should FEEL YOUR BOOBIES.....or maybe if you get lucky, have a 'friend' feel you boobies!   lol  I need to buy my *PINK* t-shirt today!


  1. yay! walk it, momma!!!

    and, celebrate afterwards with a pink drink - cosmos, anyone?

  2. At least you're walking...my chubby butt could use 1K (or more) and yet, here I sit....and love the "feel your boobs" and think this is an awesome "cause" month!

    I really like your halloween banner, Robin, very cool!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.