March 22, 2025

March 2025

At the beginning of March, I was so fortunate to spend a week in Vero Beach, Florida.  I believe I brought the warm weather home with me from Florida.  We have had some beautiful days here.  I am itching to get myself out in the yard.  The bulbs that I planted last fall are peeking through the soil.   Actually some are doing more than poking their heads through the soil.

First, back to my Florida trip.  I meet up with five friends and we enjoyed a week of non-stop laughs and stitching and hot tubbing!  These are the stitchers that I have been doing a Round Robin with.   We had the reveal and got to see our pieces for the first time since we exchanged them in Cincinnati in June last year.     The pattern is Quaker Gardens from Hello at Liz Mathew’s.  Here are all six before leaving  Vero Beach.  Most of us have our own piece back so my plan is  was to have it join my stitch rotation doing one thread a day along with the monthly WIPGO projects.   

When in Florida, I  finished the Arcaded Pansy Pyn Pillow from Needleworkers Delights.  This was designed to finish in a mattress finish and go in a cigar box with various stitchy type things.   For now, it will join a bunch of other pieces that need to be fully finished.   

At any rate, it was the greatest trip.  Wonderful hostess(es), fabulous weather, scrumptious food, their beautiful homes, and oh so much laughter.   Our next get together is planned for Boulder, Colorado in the fall.   Why Boulder. 🤷‍♀️ But a visit to Colorado Cross Stitcher is sure to happen.

Travel is great but it is always good to get home.   Seeing Cape Henlopen out my plane window told me I was close.  

When I returned home, it wasn’t long before I had myself in a dither with my WIPGO basket. My stitching basket was all of a sudden exploding and it was stressful.   This should only have my current month WIPGO’s in it.   It was only 10 weeks into the year and it had mushroomed into something that was formidable.   

I seemed to have become so hyper-focus on completing WIP’s that I thought could be quickly fully stitched.   Thusly, any monthly WIPGO project not completed became was made part of my monthly rotation.    Add two Round Robin’s and two BAP’s.   I had the brilliant concept that I  would be doing a thread a day on.  Also  blend in a  couple EGA small stitches;  marinate with the current month WIPGO’s.   Before I could rein myself in, I was already worrying how I could get it all stitched before the April numbers would be called and added to the basket.  My head was spinning with this recipe for disaster I was brewing and NO stitches were happening!   Oy! 

I had a little talk to myself.  Put it in perspective that it is just cross stitch and not world hunger I am trying to solve.   Deep breathe.  Dumped everything and rethought my stitching must-dos.   

I have a Round Robin that starts April 1st so that  became my #1 priority.   I needed to get the bottom border in on Harvest Friendship so it is ready to pass to the next stitcher and they will know where to place their respective pumpkin headed witches!  That has been accomplished.   ✅   I’d like to finish the motifs across the bottom border but I am not making it a necessary to do thing.

I also needed to complete the next three rows on my EGA project on the to-do list and got ‘er done!  ✅

I had such a successful year last year with WIPGO  finishing almost all the assignments for the first 6 or 7 months of the year that  I just had  set the bar too high for myself.     Back on track now.   

I truly do need to find time to focus on some fully finishing as well.   Maybe I should sort through the finished box and do the same priority ordering of what to work on to fully finish first!  Oh what about making 2026 WIPGO a fully finishing board?   Could work but…. I already penciled in a Class Piece WIPGO Stitching idea for 2026. 🤦🏽‍♀️

I then focused on a Guild piece that would be best to have it done by the April Guild Meeting.  Fortunately it is going fast and I have no worries able being done on time.  Once done this one, I will have to sort through the bag of tricks of mine for what I will dedicated the rest of the month on stitching-wise.   

I took a break from cross stitching to work on trying to keeping up with my BOM Civil War Quilt.   I debated about the sashing - to do or not to do.   As I see others post their progress, more and more I am liking the way the sashing is looking.   I didn’t want to wait until the end and have  it all to do at once. Before jumping into the February blocks, I did all the sashing with the fabric supplies to date.  I  have completed 51 strips and need to make 116 strips total.

It took a minute but I am glad to have it done and look forward to starting the actually assembly of the quilt shortly.  

I understand the fabric for the 9-patches used with the sashing comes in the Month Five shipment so I want to be ready to start the quilt top assembly as soon as I can stitch the 9-patch cornerstones.   

I am a visual person so I had to lay out the blocks I’ve done so far.   I have the sashing attaching to the left side of each block.   Three more February blocks to do and the March fabric has arrived!   I hope as I go along I get faster at putting the blocks together.  Block 5 took almost two hours one morning this week!   Followed by 2 hours on Block 6 which has since been ripped apart a second time.🙇🏼‍♀️

I am also working on a Booksy Quilt.   Each month is a different block pattern you can download for free.  I am finding these blocks much easy and closer to my skill set.   Using the colors on the cover of a book you read during the month, you select fabric from your stash for the block.   I have two blocks completed for my January reads and I have a February block done as well.   Fabric is pulled for one March block and I am close to having to pull for a second March block.  The March block is a Bear Paw pattern and is a new one for me.  So if you are counting, that’s 5 books read so far this year and summer is the time I usually read/listen on audio to more.    This quilt is going to be one wild color combination.  

Weather is warming and I know I will be spending time outside.   And less stitching time will be a result.  I am going to remember to take a deep breath and not get myself wrapped around the axle worrying about  what I am not getting done or what I have to do……..Stitching is supposed to be stress-relieving not stress inducing!  

Enough of the woe is me of the amount of projects on me plate - self-imposed.  Until next month,  thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching.

February 19, 2025


Backing up  to the first of the year, here is Pat’s south Jersey Temperature Tree, with Diane’s Tennessee Tree in the center and my  south Jersey Temperature Tree on the right.

I did finish my Blessing Sampler before the end of January, just.  But done is done. Not a sampler but sampler-esque.     Jeannette Douglas Designs Simple Gifts Spool.   Note to self, pick a smaller Blessings Sampler next January.

The beginning of February had me in Tennessee.   We were at Diane’s for 8 days and had a great time.  Four of those days had us at the  Knoxville EGA Winter Retreat in Carson City.   This is my 3rd trip to this retreat.   It is always a good time.   The accommodations are great, the stitchers are friendly and fun, and a lot of stitching gets done.   Each year, they have little Make-it Take-it type classes. I signed up for the embroidered needle minder.   I have a bunch more flowers to add.

Once back at Diane’s, we managed to get in some consignment store shopping.  I could not pass up this $0.99 witch.   She is about a foot tall.  What am I going to do with it?   IDK. But I know I will come up with something. 

Diane and I fully finished the Busy Bee Skep from Noteworthy Needle.   We did all the stitching and prep ahead of time knowing we would work on fully finishing together.   It took longer than we thought and much laughter and head scratching was involved but it came together in the end.   

I also managed to eke out the last stitches on Tiny Modernist Halloween ornament when in Tennessee which is a carry-over from January WIPGO.   When I put things on the WIPGO board they seem like easy completions BUT then you factor in Blessing  Samplers, SAL’s, pre-stitching, traveling, etc.  I always look forward to the 25th of the month to see what new numbers are drawn.

 For February, WIPGO numbers were By The Numbers from Blue Ribbon Designs and A Robin’s Discovery by Misty Pursel.     I already managed a finish for Robin’s Discovery but don’t look for this pattern and expect for find a garden gate.   The pattern was charted with a bunny with a big bow and an Easter Egg Basket that the bird was perched on.    I wanted to change it to a spring time stitch and not an Easter stitch.   I have not yet pulled out By The Numbers as I am busy stitching on a Round Robin piece.

Totally going out of order and off the rails, I started  this in Tennessee.  It is Arcaded Pansy Pin Pillow.  The pin cushion that goes inside a cigar box and will be surrounded by stitching type things.  A friend has been bugging me to get this stitched so we can do the cigar boxes together.  

This must be the season of starts for sure.   I started a Block of the Month, BOM, quilt with a friend.   This is a Civil War Quilt from Stitchin’ Heaven in Texas.   Definitely not a beginner’s quilt.  It took a minute to learn how to read the instructions.   Just like when you get a new teacher and have to learn their methods and lingo it is kind of like with a new pattern.  January are sewn and February blocks are cut.  Hoping to get them sewn before I take off to Florida next week.  

My little Raegan turned 5 in February.   We had a special time at a birthday lunch at a tea room.  I know she enjoyed it because when we left she asked if we could come back again.   She has added ballet and tap dancing to her repertoire.  The only thing better than buying your grandkids a drum set must be putting tap shoes on one of them.  My calendar is marked for her recital in May when she will be the best ever gumdrop.  


As for purging, this month was the bathroom closet and medicine cabinet, my dressing table and the drawer full of make-up.  Also did the summer and winter pj’s and sheets.   Before the end of the month I hope to hit up the laundry room shelves and cabinets, the bag of bags (and you all know what I am talking about) and the gloves, hats and scarves.  

I also have been making a concerted effort to not only read but comment on other blogs.   I so appreciate each and every comment I receive.   I just don’t know where to start when I fall behind reading the blogs I follow. It seems overwhelming to have to back months and I always think, oh not now.   It can be hard catching up especially those that are super prolific with posting - like several times a week.  And no offense intended to those of you that do post frequently; it is I that is slow on the uptake.   Since catching up seems to be futile, I set Monday as the day I will look at what happened the week before.  Monday is the day I do my bill paying, card sending, letter writing and calendar updating.   I am squeezing in blog reading and commenting to that Monday morning routine.   I just hope I can stick to it.  There is one downfall.   There has been a few visits to 123Stitch after seeing all the awesome things others are stitching.  

I am off to Vero Beach Florida on Tuesday for a week.   Meeting up with all my table mates from a retreat at Quilter’s Station in Kansas City in 2023.  Stitching will be done for sure.   All I need to do it look at the WIPGO numbers to know what I am taking to work on.  I will also be able to reveal all the versions of the Round Robin we have worked on.   I guess I actually don’t even need to take a project.  I can just work on what is left on my Round Robin sampler.  What, travel with one project, not likely.   Maybe I will take the other February WIPGO that I haven’t touched……

Thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching.  

January 27, 2025

The New Year is (well) under way…..

And my needle has had a slow burn.

It’s been a minute but I am trying to get back to my end-of-the-month posting schedule.  

On New Year’s Eve, I sat up my WIPGO projects for the year.  One basket stays by my stitching chair, the other is in my sewing room.   No need to have it glaring at me and making me overwhelmed.   

We weren’t much into the new year  and I changed my Blessings Sampler plans.   I realized on  Day 2, that I would not be able to finish Sally Spencer in a month.   This is exactly how my WIP’s number increases.   I changed to Jeannette Douglas’s Simple Gifts Spool.   While not a sampler, it is full of sampler motifs.   It’s a stretch but it will do.  

I did have some end of the year finishes and that opened up spaces on my WIPGO board.  Just the place to  add Sally Spencer for WIPGO 2025.  

For my finishes, first is Liz Mathew’s Friendship Sampler.   We did this as a Round Robin at a guild meeting. Passing our piece to fellow stitchers during the meeting for them to add a flower or motif.   Then this sat for two years.   I added some ‘background’  stitches to fill in the spaces and finished the border.  It is off the WIP list.    I think I will finish it as a mattress finish and add the initials of those who stitched on to the sides. 

Second finish, also a WIPGO,  was Bundled Up Birdie from Blue Ribbon Designs.   It was an EGA Christmas in July project.   The project came with the finishing supplies so it will be EZ PZ to complete.

Next,  not a WIPGO, was the Busy Bee Skep from Noteworthy Needle.  
Next week I head to Chattanooga for a week to visit a stitching friend.   We will go to Knoxville for a few days for a TVA EGA Retreat.  No shopping, no classes other than some make-it/take it classes, just stitching and friends.     I plan to work to fully finish the Busy Bee Skep that both Diane and I have stitched.   I also hope to be able to do the Home of the Brave peyote scissors fob from Fern Ridge.  And maybe I will even take along  an actual stitching project.   I am learning to carry less in the way of projects, accoutrements and clothes when I travel, especially when flying.  If you are like me, I take things I never touch or never unfold to wear.   All the “what if”s”.   Mr. W. always tells me they have stores where I am going if I need something.  WIPGO numbers have been called so that should end any debates on what I take to work on.

Since I had to wait to record the high temperature of  December 31st, this is literally my last finish for 2024 putting the last stitches on New Year’s Eve.  Temperature Tree from Stitching Mommy.   I have a plan of how to finish it but not until I get home from Tennessee.   I want to put my side by side with Diane’s to see the differences.   This put my total finished pieces for 2024 to 45.   That is a number that will never be repeated in the future.   Just further illustration of all the fiddly little starts I had never completed.

WIPGO numbers for the month were #11 and #20.  First up,  #11 - a Halloween ornament from Tiny Modernist.   I did the other three in the set several years ago and never stitched #4.   I didn’t quite get this finished but hope to stitch and be fully finished for next Halloween.   Second, this WIPGO actually called last January and I didn’t even touch it.  July, August and October from A Year of Celebration from Hands on Design needed to be completed.   I managed to get July and August stitched.  And October WILL BE done before October for sure

I am also trying to be more selective with what I buy.   Now that is good for a chuckle or two.   So scary when I look at my stats in the X-Stitch ap and see how many charts I have and how many are fully kitted.   Really no need to buy ANYTHING.    Yes, need and want are two totally different hobbies.  My plan is to start only new projects that I already have kitted and to buy only what I need to fill in the missing floss in kitted up charts I already have.  So how’s that working for me….. I went astray just an hour ago as I Venmo’d money to Hearts Strings Samplery for a EGA piece she is doing.   Hopes, dreams and then a smack with reality.  LOL.

Mid month I spent a long weekend in OCMD at Camp WannaStitch.   This is an EGA event that I have attended for many years.   Again, no classes, no vendor shopping, just stitching with old and new friends.  I was able to get a lot of stitching done on my Blessings Sampler.    So close and yet so far which is the result of not stitching for the last few days.  The pin marks the end of the pattern.   I sure am glad I did the border as I went along.   Hopefully I can make myself focus on this the next couple of days and mark it completed by the end of the month.

My plan had been to keep my traveling schedule lighter in 2025 and so far, that is not happening.   Somehow the calendar is filling up but it is all good.    So far a bunch of the extended weekend retreats and one bigger trip to Pigeon Forge in November are on the calendar.  Oh,  there is the week in the Outer Banks, a trip to Hobby House, and so on…..believe it or not I do say No! to some of the trips that come my way.   Vero Beach at the beginning of March.  

Last but not least, my word of the year.   Last year my word was monogamous.  My intention with last year’s word was to start a project and stick to it until completion and stop my flitting about.   For the most part, I am happy with how I adhered to it.   Some flitting about was done but I finished up a bunch of older projects just hanging out there in limbo and completed most of what I started.  This year, my word will be purge.   Not let’s not get crazy here and think I am purging craft supplies. I am not at all sure how “purge” would work on a pillow but then again, neither would monogamous.  lol.  But in all honesty, I do need to do a deep dive and pass on some charts and doo-dads I will NEVER use.  Here is my thought process on “purge”.   I thought about “simplify” and pondered on what I needed to simplify my life.  I kept circling back to the need to clean the attic and cupboards to get rid of things I no longer need or use.   I want to rid myself of things that are cluttering my world and they may not all be physical things.  Rid myself of stress and people that give me stress could fit in there somewhere.  So the cleaning starting with beach towels.  I had about 2 dozen beach towels from the days of having a swimming pool.  How many do I really need?   Two, maybe three, for the random beach day?   I did the same with bath towels.   22 all told.  I mean there are two of us!  I kept 12 and passed the rest to my son along with  the beach towels.  Another purge - every time I have a holiday dinner out comes all the ‘extra’ dishes from storage.   Some that never seem to be used.   Take for instance, a flan pan.   When was the last time I used it?   Did I ever use it?   Do I see me ever using in the future?   Off to my D-in-L.  Same with 3 colanders.   How many colanders does one kitchen need?   Off to Goodwill.  Outdated canned, spices and packaged goods, found and removed.   My kitchen shelves look like those in the movie Sleeping with the Enemy.   And how can I forget the pens and markers.   I mug on my desk full of pens and pencils, a mug on Mr. W’s desk,  a mug by my sewing machine, a mug on my cutting table, TWO mugs full in the kitchen!!  All the died up pens gone and all the pencils sharpened!  Hopefully I can report each month what I have been purging.   Better anchor down the house with tent pegs; it may be so light after a year of  purging it will want to float away.

As always, thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching.  

January 2, 2025

My Year in Books for 2024


Wahoo!   I passed my challenge of 40 books for the year.   I have to say this past year tipped the scales on to the side of more audio books than read books.   In addition, I think my reading was more varied.    I read several David Baldacci which is always good for keeping me wondering and turning the pages.  His research into his subject matter of any book must be extensive.

I also read a couple of Greg Iles.  Not too dissimilar from Baldacci but with a Southern background versus Baldacci’s more military basis. 

At the other extreme, good summer and carefree reading, I read several books from Elin Hilderbrand.   Great feel good stories with a lot of character background set against the background of Nantucket Island.    

Continuing on the lighter side, I read several of Marie Bostwick’s quilting series.  Middle aged and recently divorced a woman visits Connecticut and decides to stay.  She opens a quilt shop and the stories begin.  Each book centers on the dilemma of one of her patrons or friends and how friendship helps solve the issue.

The best book of the year for me was by far Endurance, Shackleton’s Incredible Journey.  I just can’t in my wildest imagination begin to comprehend what they endured.  

I haven’t set my goal for 2025 yet.   Not sure what I will be reading but I know I will be taken places.

December 16, 2024

December Wrap up

It may be a little early in the month for a wrap up but I checking my to-do list and crossing off things to do.  

I hope everyone else is doing the same as we are getting ready for a joyous and happy holiday season and a healthy and plentiful new year.   Winter season is upon us with its blustery snow and whipping winds.   It only makes spring that much sweeter and something to anticipate.   And that gives me the lead in to something I forgot to share.   I planted 100 bulbs in October.  It was kind of like when you order a kit or floss that is out of stock. When your order shows up and you are left wondering what project was this for?    I ordered the bulbs from Breck’s last April and they arrived when I was away in October.    This is why I have started making a note of what was ordered and why.  

Planting bulbs in the fall is one of my favorite garden activities.   I enjoy the anticipation of spring when the earth will re-awaken and the bulbs poke their little blooms up through the warming soil.  Not only had I forgot about he order, I had no idea what my thought process was when I placed the order but I found places for them and I will be happily looking forward to see them come to life next April.  


I managed to fully finish - finally - my 100 Block-a-Day day quilt at the end of  November.   I kept up with the block a day quilt until about day 93 and then I had the epic fail.  Last spring I finished up the last 7 blocks.  I had it long-armed this past summer.  I finally stopped putting off and took the time to add the binding. My fabric choice was almost entirely from stash using Aunt Grace and similar fabrics.   I did have to purchase about half dozen fat quarters of fabric and the backing fabric.    Reduction of stash and another WIP off the quilting list.    

Don’t you just love how it all crinkles when you wash and machine dry it?  

It was also 95% sewn on a 1947 Featherweight machine.   No fancy sewing machines necessary.  
I finished an EGA Christmas in July project - Snowman Quadrille. It was a WIPGO project so that is a win.  The instructions were very easy to follow and made the assembly a cinch.  The last seam and the bottom was a bit fiddlely but it is done and on the tree.

Both December WIP’s were finished out of order and none of my remaining WIPs were calling me so I started a new project.  This is  Busy Bee Skep from Janis Note of Noteworthy Needle.   It is a stacking Bee Skep.   A friend and I both bought the pattern this past summer.  I will be at Diane’s for a week in February and we will work on fully finishing it together.  So it was a must stitch. Justification in full force!!   I working on # 5 of the 8 motifs with plans to have all 8 done by the end of December. 

My tally for the year on WIPGO is 17 WIPs finished leaving 7 WIPs left.  One WIP was moved to a SAL since that is what it really is.  I took one off the list because I scrapped what I had done and will be starting it over on different linen with different floss.     I had 4 new starts for the year and two class pieces.  I started and finished the Blessings Sampler - 1889 Alphabet from Needlework Press.   I started and finished Bitter Sweet from Summer House.  I started and plan to finish Busy Bee Skep from Noteworthy Needle before New Year’s Day.   I started and have not finished, Jeweled Baubles from Shannon Christine Designs.   

Jeweled Baubles was a ‘reward’ I gave myself August 1st for crossing so many off my WIP’s list and is on the list to finished in 2025.   But this is not a project I can take to needlework night to stitch on as there is a lot of counting and color changes.  Once I get the Bee Skep done, I plan to spend the rest of the month on Jeweled Baubles.


All in all, it was another successful year with WIPGO for me.  I may have stretched my word of the year a bit (Monogamous) but I did stay the course and stick to projects until they were completed so much more so than I have in the past.  I used it broadly and tried to apply it to new purchases as well.   I did buy, of course, but I tried to curate that cart before my final checkout.    So again, I stretched monogamous to focus on what I have in stash and not add to stash.

I had various little pin pillows, name tags, needle-books that I stitched as well.  My grand tally is 40 finishes.    Wow, that sounds like a tremendous number but some were very small.   Take this cardinal - stitched and finished in under two hours.  I made 5 of them.   Mounted on a box of matches, they each landed in a different Advent bag.   So technically 5 finishes but I am almost embarrassed to include them since they were so EZ PZ.  Best part, more things stitched from stash.  

I have 15 days and the rest of the tree trunk until I am finished. It will make 41 finishes in 2024!!!!  I have enjoyed this piece and think it will be fun to compare with others.   I plan to take it to my friend Diane’s in February and compare my “Jersey” tree with her “Tennessee” tree.

All this this thinking about finishes put me in the mood for plans for 2025.  My WIPGO board is ready and I am mixing it up again this year.  Remember, your board, your rules.  If you are not familiar with WIPGO here is the skinny.   You make a 5 by 5 bingo board and number it 1 to 25.   Each block gets a WIP (work in progress) project and your goal on that project.   It could be to finish one pattern page, it could be spend 5 hours on that project, to do work on a border, etc. On the 25th of each month, the numbers are pulled for the following month,   Numbers are announced on both Instagram and Facebook.   The project called becomes your focus piece to stitch on for the month.   It took me a couple of years to find the right assortment of projects and goals.  All in all, WIPGO  has helped me eliminate the number of WIP’s that were weighing me down.   For 2025, I do have my remaining WIP’s listed and plan that 6 of the 7 WIPs  WILL be finished in 2025.  But alas, I fear/I know I may find other WIP’s tucked away in a project bag somewhere.  

 For 2024, I finished all but three squares.   Two of which were 14 hours on the same WIP.   I never picked the piece up; a total fail on my part.   It does reappear on the 2025 board.  The third was one project that came up in a particularly busy month.
I plan to start doing smaller samplers and work on class pieces in 2025.  I have Mabel Tukes to the board twice.  I have added a small sampler class piece from Jackie DuPlessis to finish.   Jeannette Douglas is the Designer of the Year for my guild so I have added three of her pieces as new starts with maybe two of them finished in 2025.    My mindset - as of today - is that I cannot start something new and anything I work on I have to plan to see it through to a finish in the immediate future.  I cannot stray from my appointed path, but here is the caveat, I know I have no will power when a SAL comes along.    The WIPGO board always looks to simple on paper but I am well aware ‘stuff’ happens, plans change, and some months, stitching time can be limited.    

 If anything gets completed before it is called, I plan to substitute Cornwall Cottage so I can have it completed in 2025.   Good to have goals to look forward to.   I just wish I could do the same commitment for a workout routine.


 I selected Sally Spencer for my January Blessings Sampler.  You are supposed to have a year full of ‘blessings’ if you start and finish a sampler in January.  Regardless of what is called for WIPGO, Sally Spencer is a small sampler and I feel good about being able to complete it in January.   

For some other ‘maintenance’ stitching,  I stitched up some labels to add to the back of Christmas ornaments I have stitched.  

As I settle down with all the shopping, decorating, and wrapping done, I like to take time to look back and appreciate the past year.   I had a great year filled with family, friends, fun and travel.  I am grateful for the blessings I have.   If I ever feel down, I lay in bed when I wake up and start to count my blessings - I have a cozy bed, I have heat (or AC if that applies), I have a kitchen full of food, I have wonderful hugs waiting for me from my grand babies,  I have a vehicle and the ability and means to go places, I have friends, I can pay my bills, I have family, I days filled with things to do, I have reasonably good health - just the aches and pains of aging.    I  try to stay focused on what I have and not dwell on what I don’t.  Before I know it, my frown is turned upside down and I am grateful all day long.  In these days it is so easy to get wrapped up in the ‘appearance’ of what others have based on their social media posts.  Don’t believe everything you see on FB. So much is staged and filtered.   Of course I do have a regret or two, but they cannot be my focus.   Positivity is the key to a happy life.   Someone has told me more than once that I live like an ostrich with my head in the sand, I say to each his own.  To me, as well as being free, kindness does matter.  I don’t want to sound silly listing food and a cozy bed, but food insecurity and homelessness are real concerns for many and yes, I am grateful that myself, my family and my friends don’t have to deal such issues.   

OK, I am off my gratitude soap box.

I am wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season, a new year filled with blessings and good things, much good health and happiness, much laughter,  much successful stitching and an appreciation of the small things that mean so much. 

As always, thank you for sharing the joy of needlework with me.   Thanks you for stopping by and leaving your comments that I enjoy and appreciate.  Thanks for visiting and keep on stitching.

Happy Holidays