I am not alone having been hit with this heatwave and I know many of us are ready for a break which I am hopeful has arrived today.
It has been a busy busy weekend. My daughter came in from Boston. She had Phillies tickets and took me to the game on Friday night. It's the first time I have been to the new stadium and we went in style....preferred parking, seats in a suite, watching the game in a/c and being waited on with food and drink, I could easily become a sports fan. Yes, I know, next time I will be in the cheap seats!
Daughter No. 1 and her husband arrived Friday evening as well. Now we three girls together means laughter and silliness! And not to disappoint, we carried on the tradition. More friends and good food on Saturday with my son-in-law manning the grill. The was a lot of pool time but believe it or not, the water was so hot in the pool it was not really refreshing. Ran that good ole garden hose in it for an hour to no avail. We suffered through it by floating on rafts and hanging onto noodles and drinking cold beverages.
Sunday brought two more picnics at friends, more food and continued heat. All these picnics mean good salads, good desserts, too hot to bike and I will not be getting on the scale this week.
I arrived home last evening from a picnic in DE and Mr. Wonderful had arrived home for a four-day respite.
Some may see the RV, I see my poor grass suffering in the heat! |
Hmmm, doesn't look like an 18 wheeler to me, |
Ever present stuffed squirrel that is always on the dash board of whatever he is driving. |
He saves the parking passes every year and nails them to the ceiling of his man cave. |
This is his home away from home....not driving a tractor and trailer on tour this year but rather driving the RV advance vehicle. About an hour out of the housing site, he distances himself out in front to arrive and get the lay of the land, to be ready with doors opened, with parking instructions, sending the kids and staff to lockers rooms and sleeping quarters, etc., when they arrive with the rest of the convoy I guess it is like living the fantasy of running away and joining the circus if only for just the summer except he has a/c and satellite TV.
Once he is back on the road again Friday, I will rearrange my bedroom and start to put into play all my restyling ideas with my new purchases and the ideas have been incubating ....my fabric arrived and has been just waiting for me to take scissors to the bolt and start the curtains.
On the stitching front, it has really been rewarding to work on some smaller stitching projects and see finishes happen in a week's time. I think I might have to re-evaluate my choice of patterns when shopping in the future. But alas, I am just delaying the inevitable and need to refocus on two of my larger WIPs if I hope to complete at least one of them by September. I do this all the time - create timelines for myself...self inflicted deadlines. Somehow in and amongst all entertainment and pool time, I managed another finish.
Look at all the 'scary' things that are part of the finishing. |
This is from the crazy January 2011 challenge. I look forward to finishing this finish.....maybe I will get on a finishing spree in August....got several that I should make it a mission to complete before September.
And remember that IRS mess I was working on for my non-profit? The 12 months of sorting 25 years of records and financials and filling out the required forms and application; the 6 to 9 months of waiting for a response.....got a letter from the IRS that we need to amend our Articles of Incorporation (doable) and send them a copy showing the State's seal of acceptance (doable) and I have 20 days to do it (near impossible when one works and just can't traipse off to Trenton (like I would even know what office to go to!!). Oh I love my little ladies but they will be the death of me yet!
As hot as it has been I am thankful that I have been so very fortunate to have not lost power. I am fortunate to be able to find relief in my pool, I have a/c to keep me cool and allow me to sleep in comfort. I am thankful today brings a break in the heat for us. Who would have thought we would welcome 90 degrees? Hopefully it will also curb the damaging storms we have had. And hopefully those who have been victums of the wildfires will see relief as well. It is time for Mother Natures to shine fairly on everyone.
Between IRS and a bedroom re-do, I am may be in absentia for a while.......