About a dozen years ago what started as my daughter and son-in-law for crabs and beer for the Labor Day Weekend has blossomed into their friends and their friends kids, and my daughter from Boston and her friends and my son and his family and his friends! It will be a great weekend long of fun and family and good food and laughter but it is the signal that it is the end of summer.
As for work, the second round of interrogatories have arrived and work is ramping up again. Thankfully fewer questions arrived this round albeit a nasty 12 day turnaround instead of 28 days.
Since finishing Grace Mason, I vowed to work on cleaning up a couple of WIP's before starting anything new. Let's see how long I stick with that resolve before something temps me to stray yet again.
As for Mr. Wonderful, he arrived home last Sunday night after 8 weeks on the road. Every year when he returns he vows he will never go again. I get it, I did the modified tour two different years and it gets old living out of a suitcase, sleeping on a gym floor and showering in high school locker rooms with 50 of your closest friends! This year, he is ready to go again next year. Must have been a good tour! His group, The Jersey Surf, finished as 22nd in the world out of over forty groups. A couple of years ago, Drum Corp International ("DCI") realigned the divisions combining them. That kind of put his group, equivalent to Division AAA Baseball in the big leagues so the group is happy to have finished in the middle of the pack. DCI did honor Mr. W. as Volunteer of the Year. In their presentation they totaled all the miles from last fourteen years and it was well over 100,000 volunteer miles driven! He downplayed it but I think it is pretty cool.