I really have been in a slump stitching-wise and not put in much stitching time since OCMD at the end of April. Not sure what I have been up to.......yard work mainly. I am done all but one last flower bed that spans the property line on the right side of the property. Truth is, I started it but kind of got the willies because I was sitting weeding and disturbed a snake! Yuck! This particular bed is very overgrown with ground cover and I think I need professional help. That's my story anyway.
Been dealing with
Achilles Tendonitis for more than several weeks. Partial remedy - rest the affected leg/ankle. However, rest = stiffness of the affected area. Got to strike that balance I guess. My treadmill is just gathering dust lately. For now I will continue with the PT stretches and limp along. Seems I got my medical degree somewhere along the line since this is a self/internet diagnosis. Promised myself I will make an appointment with Dr. R. this week.
I have been going through closets and drawers as I have switched out the winter and summer clothes. I am organizing a clothes swap at work (Its called a Naked Lady Party!) so that is incentive to be 'honest' with myself that I will never ever fit into those size 8's that are taking up space in my closet! And since 8's in my closet have been no incentive on the weight loss side, it is time for them to go.
I have spent time desparately trying to catch hummingbirds at the bird feeder with my camera. I have more photos of airspace than hummers!
Look at the face. Can't you just read his thoughts? "What is the ding dong lady doing now?"
Stitching wise - the little I have done has been on Rosewood Manor's Cornwall Cottage. When needle and thread do meet, this moves pretty fast. The individual motifs make it easy to complete a section and move to the next.
This is page one of 12 completed.
Off I charged to work on page two - hha-hum....see my little boo boo? One little set back - seems I ran amok in stitching the inner leaf border. I was stitching merrily along without a care only to realize I stitched the leaves too big......along came the frogging so I could restitch the leaves that were stitched without the center stem.

Leaves frogged and replaced and I am on my way again. It helps to keep my needle minder loaded with needles and threads ready.
Using my blackwork knowledge on this one yellow flower I have been plotting my route in and out. I think I am still getting enough color change with the yellow flower using the WDW.
Garden is in. I am still a novice at this so two 4 x 8 plots is probably all I need. I never let lack of know-how stop me from diving in!

Really too soon to harvest anything yet. The lettuce is a possibility for a dinner salad this week. And with all the blossoms on my bush beans, I see fresh green beans in my future.
I repotted my houseplants - ferns and spider plants. I can't remember when they were done last and the total root bound mess that I had would indicate years. Maybe even decades! Divided and I cut them back so if they survive my intervention, this summer they may not look too splendid. Dividing the plants caused me to run out of pots for my geraniums and petunias. Rather then do the right thing and wait until I could buy more pots, of course, I improvised with what I had on hand. I am worried about these plants in the two enamelware bowls. I am afraid the sun with make the metal too hot and fry their little roots. I will have to keep watch on these guys.
Coral Bells in full bloom.
Nifty burlap bag I bought. Plan to turn it around to the plain side for hanging other seasonal flowers.
Pulled some of my patriotic pieces from the wall to make a tabletop display. Seeing these I am itching to start stitching up one of the patriotic pieces I have kitted up. But no new start for me right now. I have some pre-stitching for a class in October that I expect to see arrive in the mail shortly.
A more playful Buddy who took a rest from helping hand clothes today.
Next up, work on my guild stitch along. I am pretty much through this month's assignment but do need to do a few more stitches before next meeting to keep up to date. I am gangbusters after the meeting and then fade as the month goes on. I rekindle that flame the first of each month to make sure I am on target for our monthly meeting.
Happy June all and stitch on!