(Class info added below) Doesn't it always feel good to 'round that corner and head for home? I am talking about the corner of Miss Mary Mack.....she is getting there and I see a finish in my future. The border is where most of the stitching remains but it is such an easy repeat it is zooming along. I did change up the words from "Miss Mary Mack" to "old Mrs. Mack" because that is how I remember I sang the song to the kiddos.

I would love to complete the stitching AND finishing by the end of 2016 but I will settle for completing the stitching which I think is doable. I have been cutting a length of floss, dividing the threads into sets of two strands, threading three needles and stitching until I need to 'reload'. Too many other things going on to be lost in hours of stitching. And some days I have not stitched at all. Not even at lunchtime at work. Lunch has been at my desk. Work is busy busy busy and I have put in more than my fair share of ten and 12 hour days. That's why I get the big bucks I guess....LOL. It is such a busy time of the year at work and at home and the sewing table is put to use as the wrapping table so......I think the finishing might not be possible.

So I can't have a visit from Mr. William without sharing a few photos. His mommy went out to the store and I plopped Will in a xerox box with a pillow and toys and he was happy as can be. My son thought it was a terrible thing to do. "You put my son in a box?!" Yes, and he loved it. We pushed him about like it was his car and he sat there and played totally content.

See Rich. Kids don't need toys. A box or a pack of baby wipes entertain just a much. OK, so maybe eating the wrapping paper off your 'car' is not a good idea.

To catch up, Thanksgiving was great. Due to traveling because of work schedules, we didn't celebrate until the Saturday after Thanksgiving and it was good. Of course, the appearance of Will, took center stage. Will enjoyed his first Thanksgiving mashed potatoes. After they left I checked the camera and I had taken 256 pictures! A little overkill.
Since I didn't welcome the last of my house guests until Saturday morning and because I was off on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I was able to get all the Christmas decorations up - inside at least. Mr. Wonderful needs to get his backside in gear to do the outside......truth be told he will drag his feet, have an excuse and I will end of doing it after he tells me he doesn't know how I want it......really, after all these years, I still fall for it.
Busy busy days aheads......take time to stay calm and stitch on.
Update - I forgot to add information about a class with Betsy Morgan that my guild is sponsoring It is
open to Away Stitchers. Please use this link and select the "Classes" tab on my other blog.....