Backing up to the first of the year, here is Pat’s south Jersey Temperature Tree, with Diane’s Tennessee Tree in the center and my south Jersey Temperature Tree on the right.
I did finish my Blessing Sampler before the end of January, just. But done is done. Not a sampler but sampler-esque. Jeannette Douglas Designs Simple Gifts Spool. Note to self, pick a smaller Blessings Sampler next January.
The beginning of February had me in Tennessee. We were at Diane’s for 8 days and had a great time. Four of those days had us at the Knoxville EGA Winter Retreat in Carson City. This is my 3rd trip to this retreat. It is always a good time. The accommodations are great, the stitchers are friendly and fun, and a lot of stitching gets done. Each year, they have little Make-it Take-it type classes. I signed up for the embroidered needle minder. I have a bunch more flowers to add.

Diane and I fully finished the Busy Bee Skep from Noteworthy Needle. We did all the stitching and prep ahead of time knowing we would work on fully finishing together. It took longer than we thought and much laughter and head scratching was involved but it came together in the end.
I also managed to eke out the last stitches on Tiny Modernist Halloween ornament when in Tennessee which is a carry-over from January WIPGO. When I put things on the WIPGO board they seem like easy completions BUT then you factor in Blessing Samplers, SAL’s, pre-stitching, traveling, etc. I always look forward to the 25th of the month to see what new numbers are drawn.

Totally going out of order and off the rails, I started this in Tennessee. It is Arcaded Pansy Pin Pillow. The pin cushion that goes inside a cigar box and will be surrounded by stitching type things. A friend has been bugging me to get this stitched so we can do the cigar boxes together.
This must be the season of starts for sure. I started a Block of the Month, BOM, quilt with a friend. This is a Civil War Quilt from Stitchin’ Heaven in Texas. Definitely not a beginner’s quilt. It took a minute to learn how to read the instructions. Just like when you get a new teacher and have to learn their methods and lingo it is kind of like with a new pattern. January are sewn and February blocks are cut. Hoping to get them sewn before I take off to Florida next week.
My little Raegan turned 5 in February. We had a special time at a birthday lunch at a tea room. I know she enjoyed it because when we left she asked if we could come back again. She has added ballet and tap dancing to her repertoire. The only thing better than buying your grandkids a drum set must be putting tap shoes on one of them. My calendar is marked for her recital in May when she will be the best ever gumdrop.
As for purging, this month was the bathroom closet and medicine cabinet, my dressing table and the drawer full of make-up. Also did the summer and winter pj’s and sheets. Before the end of the month I hope to hit up the laundry room shelves and cabinets, the bag of bags (and you all know what I am talking about) and the gloves, hats and scarves.
I also have been making a concerted effort to not only read but comment on other blogs. I so appreciate each and every comment I receive. I just don’t know where to start when I fall behind reading the blogs I follow. It seems overwhelming to have to back months and I always think, oh not now. It can be hard catching up especially those that are super prolific with posting - like several times a week. And no offense intended to those of you that do post frequently; it is I that is slow on the uptake. Since catching up seems to be futile, I set Monday as the day I will look at what happened the week before. Monday is the day I do my bill paying, card sending, letter writing and calendar updating. I am squeezing in blog reading and commenting to that Monday morning routine. I just hope I can stick to it. There is one downfall. There has been a few visits to 123Stitch after seeing all the awesome things others are stitching.
I am off to Vero Beach Florida on Tuesday for a week. Meeting up with all my table mates from a retreat at Quilter’s Station in Kansas City in 2023. Stitching will be done for sure. All I need to do it look at the WIPGO numbers to know what I am taking to work on. I will also be able to reveal all the versions of the Round Robin we have worked on. I guess I actually don’t even need to take a project. I can just work on what is left on my Round Robin sampler. What, travel with one project, not likely. Maybe I will take the other February WIPGO that I haven’t touched……
Thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching.