April 2, 2010

It was best of times, it was the worst of times

First and foremost, Happy Easter to one and all.   I wish every one of you a safe and happy holiday....

Now for the worst of times......without details, suffice to say I received a rather out of the blue *figurative* slap in the face at work yesterday.   I wasn't going to post about it but there is something therapeutic about writing it all out... you kind of release it down your arms and out your fingertips.   Anyway, I was very shaken.  Shaken to the point that at 50+ years old I went and hid in the stall in the ladies room for fear I would cry.   It was that unfair.  Never mind what the issue was because the new me believes in an Eleanor Roosevelt quote ....no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.   I did discuss it with my boss and let my feelings on the unjustness known and with that I put it to rest.   I will not give this event any credence as it deserves none!  One of the most important things I have learned in my lifetime is that I cannot control the things people say and do, I can only control how I react to them.   No worries because before the day was over  I received an email from the publisher of our corporate annual report regarding delivery status.   It is the monster job that someone new each year gets because no one likes it.   The email was gushing with compliments of my work and how much they enjoyed working with me....(maybe I was print it and frame it and put it on my desk for the devious co-worker to have to look at all the time....but I digress.)  I think this is unprecedented! Even better was that the publisher copied each and every officer of the Company.   Woohoo!  feathers in my cap!

So as for the best of times, I left work on time (my new resolve, hmmmm, made it yesterday!)  I left on time on Monday and Tuesday to give my BF at ride since her car was in the shop.   I was amazed at how much of an evening I had on Monday and Tuesday getting home slightly after 5 versus 6 - 6:30 - 7!!!  I was amazed that there was a life outside of work!  I actually sat and read and finished another book without falling fast asleep in the upright position! [The history here - I have worked 10 and 11 hour days more days than not or 11 and 12 hour days if you add the commute with no relief in sight.   How depressing is it to leave for work in the dark and arrive home at night in the dark?  But enough negativety!  A tasks that belongs to another department has been reassigned to them! It was moved February 1st and I am catching up.  Seriously this task removed from my list of jobs accounted for 6 to 8 hours every week.  I just feel a sense of being lighter even if the scale does not reflect it.  lol  Yes, if there is a push time, I will stay a night or two or if a deal is settling and my boss needs me, I will stay....but it will be the exception and not the rule.]   

Since last night was Thursday and not Friday as I somehow seemed to think all day, I had my Secret Squirrel Stitchers night but all day since I was off a day I forgot until I looked at the calendar when I got home.    It is so wonderful to finally know and enjoy the company of fellow stitchers.  These ladies are so talented, so knowledgable and so giving.   I sit like a sponge and try to absorb all they know!   So as I rode to Pat's home, I thought about how lucky I was.    I had the windows down since it was absolutely gorgeous.  The colors of the sky were so breathtaking after the weeks of rain we have had and I could hear the frogs (peepers).  I love hearing them because even though the fat robin hopping in the yard is the first sign of spring, the frogs really mean summer is coming too.  

So I drove and I thought,  I have a great life.  My husband truly has become Mr. Wonderful in the last 5 to 7 years.   We had the ugly years, we had the lean years, so it is good.  I have no idea what he did with my real husband but he better not trade places with him.  My bills are paid.  My children are well, employed and making their way in the world.   I have a savings account growing - which for any of you with children at home, this will not happen until they move out!  I have a STABLE Stash! I have all kinds of spring and summer plans for events and travel and I am looking forward to each one. 

My positive and thankful thoughts continued as I worked in the yard today - OMG get the tylenol out now for surely I will need to pop a couple and take a soak tonight.  Mr. Wonderful has made it so much easier now that he helps.  Yard work to me is not work.   I seem to be able to throw al lmy cares away as I rake, and scratch and dig up dandelions.  It is zen like for me and makes me remember my father sitting in the yard tending to a garden.   I made a pact to not overdue and I cleaned up early and I sat on my deck basking in the warm (hot) sun and stitched for a good hour.  I am making greata progress!  Maybe I will even be finished before my guild meeting on Thursday night!!

I do so enjoy being outside, listening to the birds, listening to the water in the pond trickle down the tiny waterfall, seeing the beautiful blue of the sky, seeing all the variety of the color of green - who knew?

Everyone have a great holiday weekend, thanks for reading about my rant earlier on and have a great month of April to come.   Thanks for stopping by!

PS   I will post  pix of my progress on Sunday of my Nan Tyson Euler sampler and my WIP Sewing Room Treasures and maybe even a WIP SB finish I dreamt up while pulling weeds!


  1. You do have a very good outlook...it is difficult to deal with unjust circumstances and people.
    I too was working outside but not with the same happiness that you have...I raked leaves until my blisters hurt too badly to continue.
    Easter blessings to you and yours, Dianntha

  2. Sorry you had a nasty time at work but sounds like it all worked out and i love your outlook too. You sound very content by the end of your email and everything sounds lovely. x

  3. Great post Robin! Sorry you had a rough time at work. Glad you aren't letting it get you down though.

    Happy Easter!

  4. Sorry to hear that you experienced some nastiness! But it sounds like an email helped give you the support you deserved!

    Have a wonderful Easter!

  5. Hi Robin,

    I really enjoyed your post and I am glad you are in a good place in your life. I hope to land there myself while I still have a little sanity left. After this winter the spring sun feels like heaven. Happy Easter to you too!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.