April 11, 2013


Stop now if you are looking for a stitching update.  I can count the number of stitches I have put in on the last ten days on my finger and toes.  After long days at work, I have opted for a little time in the yard weeding and prepping for mulch.
Rich is second from the right, kneeling, in the second row.

First an update on my son's surgery.  He had surgery at 7:30 Tuesday morning to repair the break to his left leg.  Hmmmm, not three breaks as indicated on the X-ray.  Five breaks repaired, one plate the  length of the leg from the knee to the ankle and 13 to 15 pins later, he was out of recovery and home by 3 p.m.  That's my boy, don't just break your leg, make it epic and break it in five places!  See, they broke his arm during delivery and I tease him that I should have returned him since he came broken.   From that point it has been a revolving ER door that I feel responsible for the ability of the hospital to add a new wing!  His surgeon is the team doctor for the Penn State Ice Hockey team and feels he will have a 100% recovery and be skating again by the fall.   He is not on the college team, just fortunate that he lives in State College and had a great sports medicine doctor.  Rich sounded a bit rough with the post surgical pain last night on the phone.  PT starts next week.   So because he was always having surgeries or hospital stays and was such a trooper and was soon a favorite of the technicians and nurses I used to buy him the same Dakin stuffed dog for each visit which we named Dr. Dog.  The hospital staff would put a hospital bracelet around Dr. Dog like a dog collar and let Dr. Dog go right into surgery and recovery with him.  I searched the internet and found a Dr. Dog on eBay and bought it and am having it shipped directly to my son.  I really hope it cheers him up.

Better times with her bike
More family news, my daughter had her motorcycle stolen right from her sidewalk during the early morning hours Monday.  Since the bike was reported stolen and found and stolen again in one morning  Philadelphia's finest explained.   The"bad"guys report it stolen and then when they steal it, report it found.....this way when reported stolen for real the reports cancel each other out and if  sighted it appears as though it has been found already.  Pretty slick.  When I was telling the girls at lunch on Monday I said it was probably chopped by now.  They had no idea what I meant and then were incredulous when i explained.  Really.  Love you girls but let's be realistic.  At this point we would rather it not be found.  Heather feels so violated as anyone who has had anything stolen does.  She put it in perspective by Tuesday night saying that no one was hurt, the bike could be replaced and it is not like she broke her leg in five places and had to have surgery.  She and her husband are going out to the dealer this weekend to 'look'. A motorcycle you say.  She's a city girl and this is her main source of transportation if not on public transportation.

Me, I notified my other daughter if she felt the need to contributed to the family timeline this week, it had better be that her cat had kittens!  I didn't want to hear anything more exciting than that from her corner of the world.

For myself, it has been crazy mad at work.   One girl was terminated, I am training a new girl for the position, one girl had a heart attack and I am covering her position and of course there is my department to maintain so I am weary.   No stitching?   Hell no....I am zombie like when I finally arrive home and manage to sit down.   I manage to fool myself and believe I was holding my own for over two weeks but now the the little messes around the house are starting to get to me.   Could this be why I announced my retirement date!   74 months/1480 work days, give or take a few.  I know!    74 months.   Before you know it, I will be in the 60's age wise and remaining months-wise!  LOL  My boss said he'd better get his plan in line then.   Of course, I told him we have to leave at the same time since everyone thinks we don't do anything anyway.

Watching the news just now, I put it in perspective too.   The tornado season has started tearing its way across the south last night.  I pray for the people that are and will be in their paths.  I am fortunate that my only issue is making through the latest work push time.  OK, off now for another 10 -12 hour day!  Ye-Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Okay ~ my head is spinning!! Sounds like you and your family have had your fair share recently. Hope you get some good news soon!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.