I crashed......I left work only an hour after close of business tonight came home and slept for two hours shoes still on and all! I needed it. I feel like I can get back on the horse tomorrow and ride out the duration. My work project is going fabulous. I created a big old database on our intranet with workflows to automatically forward tasks to the next person who has to review or approve each response.....and for the slackers.....the automatic emails started going out today for all unanswered questions. I had a few push-backs......like, I answered that question; well maybe you did but you didn't submit it and keep that workflow happening! If they think these are annoying, wait until 2 days before the deadline and the trigger is tripped for emails to the responder and their manager! On the back end I have to export, format and verify language, verify attachments, etc. I am the admitted bottleneck of the project. But I uploaded another 99 files to the lawyers ftp site today. 262 responses completed along with their various attachments, financials, and general support documentation down and 203 data requests to go. I think we are in good shape but my boss is pushing for more which I really am not understanding......I mean really, deadline to the attorneys is August 1st.
I really know now what all work and no play is no good. And I can attest the sleep deprivation is inhumane. Let's see, I went to work on Saturday with my shirt on inside out! Good thing it was only me and another girl. It made for good comic relief. I warned everyone at work weeks ago and I begged everyone at work to just leave me alone explaining the attention to detail needed on the project. Long about Thursday, and no less than ten stupid interruptions in a half hour.......like....Robin, do you know the printer is out of ink?, or better, Robin, IT put in the toner in the printer! or the copier is out of paper, or what time does this morning's meeting start? or everyone that thinks they need to stop with their coffee and muffin and tell me office gossip. Really? They all think their interruption is worthy of being a $10M interruption........so I locked the office door...... needless to say, 2 minutes later when my girlfriend wiggled the the door handle, rapped on the window I was not a happy camper....and what does a sleep deprived, super stressed, incredibly burdened person do..... I stormed across the room and flung (and I mean flung!) open the door and firmly (maybe a little loudly) stated...."Is the building on fire? Otherwise I can't imagine why......." and then I see that there is an officer of the company with a question. Oops! Good thing is that everyone on the third floor kept their distance the rest of the day.
On the home front, I have a pool that is on the verge of turning green from non-use. I have been
I just had to run and get the camera when I went out to tend to the pool
after my little nap. It was such a pretty night and it grounded me that
this is part of why we work hard....to have nice things at home. |
living like a hoarder with boxes of things and furniture piled high and the cat's food and litter box in my bedroom. Now that the floors and painting is complete, each night I have come home and try to do an hour of moving things back in place. I am getting there. Thankfully my kids were in town for the weekend and I stayed home on Sunday but physically worked at moving furniture and cleaning all day. No rest for the weary I guess. I have canceled my hair appointment but am not yet close to sporting the skunk strip down the top of my head. Canceled my nail appointment - a treat to myself in recent months that I am missing. Canceled my dentist appointment - now that's a heart breaker!
Now this is a welcome site after 6 weeks of no furniture! |
Getting by with a nightly glass of Pinot Noir (a new love that I was introduced to a few years ago) and leaving the TV on a night to drowned out the constant numbers and reminders and questions running at warp speed through my head, it's a bedroom sanctuary for me now that it is minus the cat's dish and litter box.
More than a few things to hang back on the walls. |
Stitching, HA! I laugh in your general direction. No stitching for me.....I do carry it with me every day just in case I want to do a stitch or two at lunch.....but lunch has been at my desk......and will be for a little longer. I guess it is like my wubbee, my stitching that is not my desk! I am halfway through this mega project and the end is in site....and although I don't expect it, I sure wouldn't turn down a little something something in the way of a bonus when I am done.