What a week......been busy and been drama filled at work. As the Senior Admin I seem to keep getting drawn into everyone else's drama. Sometimes I just want to not be politically correct with my answer and just be totally sarcastic. Probably would be lost on these people. For some reason there is a belief that I am the only one to go to for any answers. Really does no one else know when all else fails, to turn the copier off and let it reboot? Oh no, probably spent hundreds of dollars of Company money between all the co-workers messing about for a half hour and calling IT for a solution. I thought they were going to have a parade and put me on float for returning from a meeting solving the problem in about three seconds. I just scratch my head and think......Harvard degree, Rutgers degree, Widener degree? I've got the Common Sense degree! Diverting and deflecting and remedying crisis made this was not a week that was conducive to crossing tasks off my to-do list. I really want to cancel my subscription to all their issues! However it is not that easy.......we all know how quickly the ugly mob could turn if I were to freak out. And that is why I carry my stitching with me to get a few rewarding, blood pressure reducing stitches in at lunchtime. OK, got that out of my system. Pardon my rant.

One good thing this week at work was being able to give away $$$. I manage the corporate credit cards and we have a ka-billion points from aggregating to them across the 110 cards. In September I redeemed a good chunk of points for gift cards. What a fiscally responsible way to spread good will. Now I don't give the cards away but I worked on filling the envelopes with the various cards and putting the names on the envelopes. The recipients have no idea they are getting them next week. Employees come up to the Executive Floor with dread and how nice to see the smile come across their face and the tension leave their body. My Company is so generous and I think it is so wonderful to see the difference make by saying "hey, I hear you have really been helpful with training the new guy", or "a customer called to compliment your efforts", or "I understand you're saving the Company money by shopping for the better price". I worked on this for the last couple of weeks and have kept it under my hat. So satisfying. I really do get pleasure from seeing others happy.

So, to my stitching week. I finished the beaded acorn scissors fob. It was such quick stitch. Love love love it! I order doublesided tape we used at Jamboree and really helped with the assembly.

I am back to reading again by slowly reintroducing my daily time on the treadmill. It's going slow but I am making progress and have been able to almost finish Oliver Potzsch's The Beggar King, A Hangman's Daughter Tale. This the third in a series of five.
Now it is time that I really get back to my Guild SAL. I have grown disenchanted with this piece. I was over the moon to join and start but the pattern is so filled inconsistencies and so much compensation stitching has been done that it has really lost its attraction. It's just sitting on my lap stand patiently waiting. So much so that instead of stitching on it I have done everything else but.....like cleaning and purging kitchen cabinets and bedroom closets.
Guess it's time to put it in high gear and get the last six rows done.
Happy November and have a great week in stitching!