Just too much to do and not enough time.......maybe I do need to retire.....but I fear so much time home will lead to too much stash enhancement and too many WIP's across all genres of creation!
I think I am still recovering from all the baby shower prep, house guests and hoopla. We are on a count down now for baby. It could be anytime and hopefully not the four days I am in OCMD! It will be a long ride to western PA from Maryland but I'll do it.
It is work too.....changes in personnel.....and we always go backwards before we go forward. I seem to be the forever 'go to girl' for every new person and for that matter, anyone with a question. It just makes me fall further behind on my tasks. The interruptions. I don't know who answers the endless questions on days I am out of the office. Oh yeah, they call my cell phone, that's right. Sorry, just a bit testy about it. I like helping but sometimes they know the answer and I am their security blanket. Time to rip off those covers!
And holy moly! when am I going to get some yard work done? I know. Calm down. It is only April. But my calendar is filled with weekend trips and baby and stuff!
Sorry, just venting a bit......too much to do and too little stitching time makes me a grump! I admit, I need that fix at least several times a week to stop the brain from reeling and to just mellow out. I want to do it all and had to actually hack a few things off my list today. I know I can do more than one thing at a time but I have not accomplished being in two places at one time. So instead of joining my guild for lunch and a tour after our regular meeting, I am heading to Philly for the rest of the weekend to help my daughter as I promised. We will have fun as we always do.
A lot of paperwork (tax returned and annual filings for my non-profit) and website work (for my other blog -
DVHSG.blogspot.com) are behind me and that is a big weight that has been hanging over my head. I need to do the post for sampler guild right away or before I know it it is the eve of the next meeting and I am beating myself up for delaying.
Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer. And so nice to have friends I can unleash on. Thank you Bloggers!

So what have I stitched with the meager few hows I have eeked out? Well, stitched a Peacock, frogged a Peacock, restitched a Peacock and am happy with the end result. The floss for the lighter blue was more of a cord-like thread. When doing the full cross is was lumpy (technical term) and it actually pushed the threads of the linen out of shape. Not fun to frog the over one but well worth it.
I ripped it out and restitched in tent stitch and I like the result much better. I am so close and just need a good old stitching retreat with endless stitching in one of those fabulous porch rockers on the boardwalk to help me round that corner of completion! I also added some extra stitches to the grapes. They are stitched in a Rhodes stitch and stitched a standard cross in the blank areas.
Grapes before I added extra stitches. |
Coming up I need to make my list for Salty Yarns. I hope to continue to be more selective with what I buy. I really am doing a hard look at a pattern and asking if I really am going to stitch it in the next year or two. What if my taste changes? What if other new and tempting projects come my way? What about stitch-a-longs or classes that come my way? I really think a cold hard look at stash can make one a bit in shock after a gander at all the fibers, floss, fabric and patterns just waiting to be played with. (big sigh) Such is life.