Yes, that's me. Project jumping yet again. As if I don't have enough irons in the fire (i.e. that wallpaper removal project I got myself into.....) I started another major overhaul. This one is a LARGE flower bed. Over the years the ground cover has just expanded and expanded.....the look I thought I liked I have now grown (ha ha) tired of. I want the clean lines of shrubs and mulch....neat, crisp, clean. When I am done, this side will better match the other landscaping I have in the front yard.
Look how far PAST the bed edging the ground cover had grown. |
I have only managed a few hours here and there after work. And all the rain we have had has not helped. I think if I had 3 more pairs of hands and some rain free evenings, I could get this done more quickly. Well at least this just lets me work outside in the garden which is always so nourishing for the soul. I haven't make quite the width of the bed to the property line but slow and steady wins the race.
This is will be ALL summer job! |
This year's goal will be to go as far as the large Abelia bush.......I think it is doable (as do all my undertakings when I launch them!)
Yesterday I meet with friends to work on a finishing project. We all have stitched Pining to Stitch and finishing is so much more productive with a group. Not to mention it helps conquer that fear factor we all have.
After putting in all those button hole bars on the scissors got it, I decide I'd rather have cording.
Not to difficult to remove them. Messy with bits of threads everywhere.
At this point, I am almost satisfied to just leave it with no trim.

I have all the pieces of the set stitched. I have finished the biscournu, the scissors fob, 90 percent done the scissors haven.....that leaves me the needle book, pin keep and the envelope pouch that will hold all the pieces to finish. We are expecting torrential rain starting tonight so I am hopeful to make some progress tomorrow.

Last weekend I pulled out a UFO. This is Lizzie Kate's "Things Unseen Mystery Sampler". Here is where I was last week. I am sure there was another project that just
had to be started and had me move this to the UFO basket.

And this morning. I've turned the corner. Some border, some wording, a couple of motifs, buttons and beads and I will be done! My goal is to complete this by my next guild meeting in two weeks. No pressure.....especially since yard word has me falling asleep not much after I finally sit in my stitching chair in the evening.
And let me jump back outside again, we are re-doing our back deck replacing the wood with Trex decking. We did the same out front a few years ago. Yeah for more powering washing, scrubbing, and restaining every other year. However, we are at a standstill......contractor had gotten ill and we are not finished. No worries for picnic plans for us this weekend. The decking is done so I can pull up a chair and sip a cuppa and stitch or read with no problem. I don't need railings to enjoy the outdoors and am actually enjoying the unobstructed view. It is just another slow and steady project. Give me lemons and I will make lemonade.
Colors along my side walk are so much prettier in real life.
My morning cup of coffee view.......
This is the vision I have for the project I am working on.
And of course, I can't post without a pix of Will. I can't believe he is four weeks old already!
He looks all relaxed after his bath taking over daddy's side of the bed. 
OK, time to head out and get my veggies planted before the rain starts.....
Wishing all a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. Enjoy your parades, your picnics and take a moment to remember your service men and women.