And somewhere in the middle of all this I think I 'hide' behind my stitching. Does that make sense? I make a detour from all the things that need to be done by 'needing' to get my stitching time in. I do so enjoy the stitching time but let's face it.....little fairies are not coming in the night to do my chores....so time to suck it up buttercup and meter out my time better....
OK that's my rant for this Sunday morning. I am sure I am not alone and others get the same overwhelming feelings at time. Enough lamenting and now some sharing of accomplishments.
On my quilt, I still need to square up the edges and then fold, press and add the binding. That's a sneak peak above. Hopefully I will get it trimmed and folded up nicely until I have an evening free to attach the binding. I am not putting any pressure on myself to add the border this week since I need to get ready for OCMD.....and I like to make sure the laundry is done and the house is cleaned before I go. Seems silly but feels so good to come home to everything in it's place.
As always, my stitching pals and myself love love love our retreats at the beach.
Another candidate to take along on my flight is the Boo to You witch I am working on. I frogged and restitched her face in the proper color. She looks better. One would think this was an easy stitch because it is on a large (18) count. Wrong, lots of counting here.
Some of the fabrics I selected at the quilt show as possible backings for the witch when I am done stitching.
And then there is a Will update. No, he is not standing already. Mom or dad are holding him up. My D-in-L is so good about sending pics and videos each week. I hope to see him in the new few weeks. He saying yes, Grandma, come see me!
Happy stitching all. I for one will be taking it one day and one task at a time and before I know it......things will get checked off my long list of things I need/want to do.