And here I sit in my comfy little TV room and having to be reminded for a second time this week what day it this what retirement will be like? If so, those 80 weeks won't go fast enough. It's chilly today and the Uggs are on and the fireplace is roaring. I've got a big pot soup ready for lunch.
I've been reading your blogs a bit but no time to read them all and to comment. Actually I must confess, with the holiday rush I had to whittle down to only a few I've been able to follow religiously. Everyone posts such beautiful stitching and pretty decorations and it is to my total enjoyment to read all the goings on. I know I have some catching up to do. I hope to be a better follower after the holiday craze dies down.
Actually the photo is from YESTERDAY when I start the it is much the same but it is SNOWING! |
First off, I have a great D-in-L who believed I needed more grandbaby time and she arrived by train three days ahead of my son. That little man was so excited to ride on the Choo Choo. Funny thing is that I had bought him some train related things for Christmas without even knowing. I guess grandma's just know. I am still nameless but that is alright. He'd run to me, put those little arms out and say 'up', or pat the floor when he wanted me to sit with him and play blocks. Oh my it was heaven.
I did finished his stocking with time to spare! Sorry, no picture of stockings all hung with care....but I got one with Will in the stocking.
I took my son's quilt re-do and used it to scoop up all his presents in one big pile tied at the top with a big red bow. Evidence enough that he was pleased was him snuggling under the quilt his entire stay.
Project wise I am pretty pleased with how many UFO's I crossed off my list this year as well as some other's I started and finished. (need to update my 2017 finishes tab!) And just maybe I should checked my WIP basket before I boast too much!
I stayed true to my pledge.....I was all wrapped BEFORE my daughter arrived from Boston. More years then not, she arrives back in Jersey and has ended up wrapping for a day. I think I surprised her. It is always my plan so I even surprised myself that I met my deadline!

I made this little pin cushion early in December. It is a quick and easy Etsy pattern. Really took only about an hour. The 'pie plate' is a mason jar lid. I didn't want to use it as my EGA pin cushion exchange until I could perfect it a bit and until I actually knew if it would stay together......I only finished about a hour for the meeting. I could never gift it and then find out it fell apart!

A couple of stitching buddies and I agreed on a SAL pattern to start on January 1st and I admit, I started it already. My excuse was I didn't have anything else to stitch.....which was meant with groans. I guess I just didn't want yet another start that would be sidelined so I started our SAL. Trust me, they will pass me in no time at all. It is called Halloween Quaker by Lila's Studio. I've only recently discovered this designer and I like her patterns.
I am stitching on the called for fabric, PTP Murky, in 32 count with the called for WDW Threads.

On the sewing front, after all but Amy left, she and I spent a day quilting. I had these two quilt tops pieced and managed to assemble one. It is quilted and only needs the binding hand sewn. They are not quite twin sized quilts but will complete my vision for the twin beds I have in the guest room.
This one was assembled using the 'race car' pattern. Since I used larger strips than a jelly roll, I didn't like the end result. So, I cut 16 1/2 inch rows and them cut each row into 16 1/2 squares. I then did the quilt as your go method. It was something I had been wanting to try. Some squares came out better than others. I reassembled the squares alternating every other one 90 degrees. I like the variation I got as a result.

The before....end result is much better |
The second one, it
is on the agenda for today. I had to piece fabric for the back and now I am ready to make my quilt sandwich and put the presser foot down.
And my sweet indulgence.....a few Christmas pix of sweet William.

This is my cross stitch lap frame that was quickly turned into his 'ride'. Brrumm brrumm brrumm motor noises were prevalent as he pushed this around the house that is unless he was banging it on the floor......he returned to it time and time again and it was hysterical.
To the right is how it was INTENDED to be used. Did I care if it was bet I didn't. I would just have to order a new one.
I am not too ornery am I?
Every time I got the camera out, he came running. Little ham.

Of course, grandma gave him a balance bike. He knew right what to do....threw his leg over and then.....not so sure. By spring, he will be tearing it up.
A quick bath was needed and pop-pop was occupying the bathroom, so into the kitchen sink we went.
That's right Little Man it is OK to drink from the hose too!

What a whirlwind of a week that was just perfect. Albeit exhausting and a full day was needed to wash linens and towels and clean up the dog hair and I can't wait to do it again. We are in the planning stages of a week together at a cabin in the mountains in the summer and I do hope we can pull it off.
Wishing everyone a continued safe and happy holiday and a bright and happy new year! Thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching!