August 19, 2017

Making Progress

I am making great progress on Corsica River....not yet where I should be and haven't even started the current assignment but still I am satisfied with how far I have come.
Status as of last week
The scroll frame IS as wide as my dining room table.  On the right you can see the black thread in the needle waiting to be used.   This is just past the far right hand side.   Yeah!   And yes, I have made a little promise to myself to go back and finish up the first row of blackwork before I move on to the next section.  
Not to much to show - due to a bit of back stitch frogging.  

No Assisi work done this week.   My (current, and I laugh at myself) goal is to get all the back stitching in and then the Assisi will fly.  I am still holding out hope that by October I will be current with the assignments.

Not much else to show for my week.   Mr. W. is home and back into to his routine of not being on the road and living out of a suitcase.  For me, today  I've got a big ole grocery list made for shopping for the houseful of family this coming week.  Rice pudding and blueberry pies to make today.  Casseroles to prep.  Veggies to clean and be at the ready.  Bedrooms to prep.   And of course I just sort of did nothing this morning but stitch for a good two or three cups of coffee worth of time.

And I have my cereal box to make my eclipse viewer.   I tried for 10 to 14 days and across three states with phone calls looking for eclipse glasses.   I see now that I should have started my search sooner.   I admit it I am caught up a little in the frenzy.   Heck, this won't happen in my lifetime again.   Where I live, I will see 80% of the eclipse.   I tried to get workmates to get excited, to bring in solar eclipse themed food and treats.   I even told one that I would get a hard hat and cover it will foil if she would and we could sit in lawn chairs on the hill out back our office building.  Quite a site I am sure for the drivers on the nearby interstate.  No one seems excited, at least at work.   And actually Mr. W. is kind of looking at me strangely.   For me, I will allow myself to be a little goofy on Monday.   What are they going to me......not likely.....I have 23 months until my retirement date and they are already stressing by throwing alternatives at me.....same pay, four day week.....or three day week when I didn't bat an eye (no mention of same pay for 3 days).......come back for one week a consultant work on bigger projects........crazy talk for sure.   My list of things I want to do in T-minus 23 months and counting is getting longer every week.    For now, I am off to buy Orbit gum and Milky Way bars for work and a ton of blueberries for pies and MY Solar Eclipse inspired fruit tray I will take to work.  Hopefully, I will have time to make these cute little tags I saw on Pinterest that say "I've been mooned".   Wouldn't that be a hoot to pass out afterwards?    I digress.......


  1. I think you have made great progress on Corsica River. Enjoy your eclipse activities!

  2. Your Corsica River piece is going to be fabulous---just keep plugging along!
    I've got our eclipse boxes ready too and hope it lives up to all the hoopla! Your ideas sound like fun and I'm sure your co-workers will get a kick out of them.

  3. Your Stitching is so the design and the color of this.

    Happy Stitching
    Linda K

  4. Orbit gum and Milky Way bars. I got a chuckle out of it. I wish I had read this before I went to Costco.

  5. lol! Had I known... I would have gladly sat next to you with my foil covered hard hat! :-) I'm just a couple days behind on reading blogs... beautiful stitching going on there!

  6. That's a great progress. This pattern is really wonderful.


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.