I hate to put a jinx on things but everything seems to be falling into place nicely. Things are getting done at home and work and the backlog on each is dwindling. Not sure it will stay this way but I will enjoy it while it continues. I have all but one flower bed ready for the landscaper to come and put in the mulch. That will leave just my gnome and pond gardens for me to do as well as time to plant and place my potted plants and vegetables. This all seems very manageable and less overwhelming that it has in past years. No major yard projects on my horizon this summer. So far this spring, the weather just hasn't cooperated nor has my schedule. Some weeks I have something every night and I still have not learned to say no.

For work, the countdown is on.......14 months to retirement and as it gets closer the more I want it. Since I started silently counting at 36 months, I am thrilled to be over halfway. I have started to download little tasks here and there that has really helped me clear my desk of time sucking tasks. I passed one senior officer and his immediate direct report to another admin who as been under utilized for years. For the most part the senior executives are pretty self-sufficient but it helps that I no longer have to track attendance and do timesheets, credit cards statements, travel arrangements and expense reports for one officer and his reports. This has given me time to update the Administrative Procedures Manual as well as to start to document my procedures to pass it on to the next willing candidate. I don't think they really believe I will go.....especially considering I have two fellow Executive Admins that are past 70! (What the hey!) I guess they figure I have another 8 to 10 years of working life......they figure wrong.
This is the season for me for something to do every weekend. Does it run in bunches for your too? In mid-March a girlfriend said, I need a "Robin Day", meaning a day she and I meet for breakfast and then consignment and craft shop all day ending with late afternoon coffee and pastries. Well.......I looked at my calendar and found the first weekend available was mid-May......by now that weekend has been filled with helping a friend with her daughter's bridal shower........not to worry, these weekend endeavors are mostly of fun variety.

Take last weekend, I was at Salty Yarns in OCMD for our bi-annual DVHSG Members Only Retreat. Lucky for me, Diane drove and I was able to work on the only stitching I can do in the car. Between the rides down and back, I made it a little more than halfway around the hand sewing the binding of a twin quilt I made earlier in the year. This is the second of two made with the retro fabrics.

Unfortunately it was mostly a bit too brisk and breezy to sit outside to stitch. It was yet another fabulous time with 32-33 fellow stitchers. As always, the staff at the Lankford and Salty Yarns are so good to us. Hats off to Sally, Sarah and Mary for the great food, fun time and fabulous shopping. Which of course brings me to ......I was the dag gummed winner again this trip in the race of who spends the most in the shop (between me and my roommates) I thought I was doing well but that darned bag behind the counter with my name on it just keep things added all weekend log. And I really thought I was showing restraint since I am going to the Prim Stitchers Society in Harrisburg next month and will be shopping there too. Oh, well.
It was fun to sit and stitch with some old friends as well as get to know some of the other members better. I have to share, two members has started on Floss-Tube together, Check out Deb and Liz at the "
Country Stitchers".
And this is what left the store with me....
I have enjoyed working on Halloween Quaker so much, I got Lila's Studio Holiday Quaker. I checked my ap and of all the floss I already have, I only had one of the called for threads. It called for Dapple fabric but I substituted with 36 count Alchemy since there was no Dapple to be found. It is going to be a group project again. So many saw Diane's awesome finish of Halloween Quaker they jumped on board to do this one and the store was sold out of patterns and fabric fast!
I just seem to gravitate to Brenda Gervais too. I picked up these three. I plan to stitch each from fabric and floss in my stash except for the snowmen. I plan to stitch them on a larger count and make it into a wintertime pillow and I may not have any 20 count on hand.
Diane got this so you know what that leads to....I got it and the banding to go with it. Thankfully it is all DMC. (see I secretly think it is all the overdyed threads that put me over the top on each shopping trip). I want to mix this up a bit. I am going to make a copy of the pattern and see if I can stitch it horizontally on the banding instead of vertically. I don't know why I have come up with this latest brainstorm but I do know if it involves too much compensating, it will get stitched as charted.
I did make great progress on Halloween Quaker while in OCMD. This fabric (murky) just makes this piece. I'd say I am a little over halfway completed on this. I am enjoying this one so much and am anxious to finish, I think it will be my daily stitch until I am finished.
This witch has attitude!
I am off somewhere with the placement of the motif with the candy corn. It counts correct from my starting point - 18 threads from the bottom point of the crescent moon but it is off at the top of the motif as it relates to the witches broom. I think it is the witch that is wrong but guess what, she's staying as stitched!
Since I picked up Halloween Quaker to work on in OCMD, I have put aside Corsica River. I really need to put in the time to finished that top row of blackwork. I did however make great progress during my last round of stitching this one. Then, I got to the middle. In my infinite OCD wisdom, I couldn't get past the fact the the center of this band does not align with the center of the band above. So I skipped three (Yes, what in god's name was I thinking, 3!) threads. It means a lot, a big whole lot of compensating stitches. Fortunately so far this doesn't seem to be causing any visual impact but geez-zoo-pete I can be a moron sometimes. And just think, when I get done compensating on the left of the motif, I get to do it all again on the right! or maybe I will be smart and add 4 threads to that side!

I did have a girl's day yesterday with my daughter and friends and we went on the 71st Annual Wilmington Garden Tour. Compared to the past, while there were beautiful yards, it was underwhelming to each of us. It is not to say that the yards, gardens and homes were not pristine, and manicured and fabulous there were only a handful of stand outs to us. I have probably attended 15 times over the last 40 years and there was really nothing over the top this year.
Well that's all I've got. I need to attack this house from top to bottom and get things picked up. Every room seems to have something that doesn't belong in it or a corner that is a mess.......and unfortunately as I pick up, much of it will land on my craft table. Now going down that rabbit hole will definitely be for another day.
Have a great week all and keep on stitching!