When looking back, what a year! Lots of travel, lots of stitching, lots of fun, lots of finishes, lots of good times.
I did start December down 17 pounds from last year but I can say that I have to loose 6 of those pounds again. Thanksgiving, holiday parties, and the holidays in general, have sabotaged the diet. On a better note, I was able to finish up 2023 with an almost completed WIPGO board. My November task was to fully finish My Stitcher’s Heart from Hands on Design. The first problem I encountered was I couldn’t find the finishing kit. I did find it, right in plain sight, the next day. For 2023, I completed every assignment but the full finish of My Stitchers Dream. I have no plans for Saturday and Sunday so I hope I can make a measurable amount of progress before year’s end.
December’s assignments for WIPGO were one motif on Teresa Kogut’s Land That I Love. On the left is how far I got; on the right, where I started. I’m getting there. And I am totally counting the center border flower and the basket of flowers as a full motif. I really would love to get this finished in 2024.

I was fortunate - and I know it - to have been able to travel for pleasure both far and wide. Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland…..I somehow managed, at minimum, at least a weekend trip each month. The scary part is this time last year I only had one event on my calendar. For next year, I’ve already got plane tickets reserved for January, signed up for five (no-class) retreats already, I have a week in the Outer Banks booked (I’ve never been), a cruise booked for September and a trip to Kentucky in November. It is difficult being retired!
In September, I signed up for a Secret Stitching Pal through my guild. Here are the goodies my Secret Stitcher sent to me for Christmas. A beautifully stitched and finished ornament, a JBW chart, little snips and a thread holder.
I laugh as I think of stitching plans for next year…..stitching plans never seem to manifest themselves quite as I think they will. But, alas, I can fantasize.
I have signed up for the Blessings Sampler Challenge on FB. I think I may know I picked something too ambitious but I’ll have to give it the old college try. Current top contender is the 1889 Alphabets by Needlework Press. The criteria of the SAL is that at least one measurement is 100 stitches and to finish the sampler in January. It is supposed to mean you will have good luck for the year. This one is 436 by 40. OMGosh, that means I need to do 110 by 40 stitches each week. Ugh. I think I will focus in on being happy with whatever I get finished and not put pressure on myself. It’s not too late to change to something slightly smaller I guess. And I really like Sally Spencer by Birds of a Feather. Its stitch count is 156 by 156.
Another SAL for the year is the Temperature Tree by Stitchin’ Mommy on Etsy. The idea is that each leaf of the tree represents a day of the year. The color you stitch that leaf is determined by the high temperature of the day. I have a friend locally, one in Florida and another Tennessee working on this too. It will be fun to see our differences. I am working to get the trunk and a couples branches stitched before January 1st. In addition to adding the leaves each week, I will work on the next branch to hopefully I will stay ahead of the leaves! I am stitching this with one thread on 28 count over 1. It is proving a bit rough on the eye sight!
With the holiday pressing down and holiday parties and events, I put my Quilter’s Station SAL aside for most of December. I was far enough ahead and I hope during the last week I will be able to catch up and be on schedule for our group’s January Zoom check in.
I finished Heart in Hand 2018 Collectors Heart. I am not sure how these will be finished.
I wish for all my friends, both those I see and those that are virtual, that your holiday season was full, your 2023 was a good one, yours stitches plentiful, your frogging minimal and that your 2024 is even better.
Thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching!