August 15, 2024

July - August 2024

Oof-dah!  In other words, I got nothing.  July was not that busy for me but I think it was reverse hibernation, due to the heat and humidity.   IDK. 🤷‍♀️.  

For July, we had the most miserable heat and humidity.   I think it is only made worse for me because I don’t have a pool to jump into.   But I digress.   The yard has gone to pot.   Fortunately after 40 plus years of pulling weeds, not too many dare to grow in my flower beds.  That darned crab-grass and spurge just must be the vegetation counterpart to cock roaches and will survive the apocalypse.    

I watched the Olympics but was not too impressed with the Opening Ceremonies.  Those swimmers, kayakers, gymnasts, track and field,  all the athletes were just amazing.   And such sportsmanship between the competitors.  I didn’t join any of the Olympic Stitching challenges.   I believe I have painted myself into my own corner just fine and needed no assistance at creating more WIP’s.   

For stitching, I have fallen behind on my Temperature Tree -  last leaf stitched was July 20th.   I just need to devote a Sunday afternoon or two to working on it and I will be back on track.  

I stitched and finished two more of Lila’s Studio Christmas Sweaters for gifts which of of course were wrapped and given without photographing.    I finally laced and mounted the two pieces I bought frames for.   The local county fair was the impetus to cross that task off my list and I was rewarded with some ribbons.

I can’t even remember what my WIPGO’s were for July but I know I finished them.   If I were to go find the list and look it up, it would just be another possible delay of 10 days to post.   Not that I don’t know exactly where the list is (an extra page I had inserted in my Book of Days) but we know how we walk into a room and get side tracked.  

I haven’t worked on my French Alphabet for several weeks but feel once I get some gifts stitched and out of the way, I will be able to dedicate some serious stitching time to it.  That diagonal line from the “U” at the bottom is part of the bottom corner motif.  She sure is a big girl.   I don’t know if I am on schedule or not but I like that fact that being a Leap Year Challenge there is no pressure……yet.   Maybe in February 2028 I will feel the pressure but I surely hope to be done before then!!!!!  I am generally pleased with my progress.  This one has been calling me since I bought it as a retirement gift to myself in 2020.

Other than gifts and one class piece, I haven’t started anything new this year.   I made a deal with myself that I would not start anything new until I finsihed 4,  or maybe it was 6,  WIPs.   Either way, at  last count, I have finished 14 WIPs  and four other ‘gift’ projects since January.   So reading that, you can guess what I did.   I have been wanting to start this Shannon Christine pattern since the beginning of the year and I gave myself permission to do so.   It is called Jeweled Baubles and it available as a pdf download.   I didn’t get far but it is a start.   I know it is going on the sideline until I get caught up on what I call my ‘obligation’ stitching or stitching with deadlines.    The ornament on the right is finished except for the beading that I will do last.    Lots of beads and lots of  Kreinik and lots of color changes.

Below is my Blackbird WIP finish.    I only stitched the cartouche area entering the initials of my fellow SAL stitchers in the medallions.    My guild had a drum making class at the August meeting and I need to watch the recording for some tips to turn this into a drum finish.   It will be my first drum but I heard the guild member that taught the finishing did an outstanding job. 

The class piece I started is Cherry Berry Sampler from the Jackie DuPlessis class my guild had in April.  This one has some not so typical sampler colors and it is not a large sampler.   Both of which drew me to sign on for the class.  It just so happens, I have a stitching group that meets once a month and the criteria is to work on a class piece.    At that rate, it could be awhile to get this done but I am OK with that.  

I did finish the stitching of a Christmas in July project and just need to assemble it.    I will be at the beach next week with my son’s family and I am taking it and all I need to fully finish it.    It is Christmas in Williamsburg 2014 Biscournu.  Top and bottom stitched and ready to assemble.   Like I think I will have time with the ocean at my door and two little ones wanting to be at the beach.  

At the beginning of August, I spend five days in Alexandria VA for North Meets South Retreat.   It was a great time with three friends.   Lots of laughs, some great meals, seeing some old friends and meeting a few that I had only known by name before.   One person I met was Robin in VA.   I always refer to her as my number one fan.   She is always the first to comment on my blog or my Instagram.   It was so nice to meet her in person and chat with her.   Silly me, never thought to take a selfie of us.  

We were right across the street from the Pentagon.

Beautiful sunset from the 15th floor

Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial as well as the DoubleTree’s ventilation system!

Better shot of the Jefferson Memorial and the ventilation system.
Hopefully I will have some progress I can share on some stitching.    In this case, “hope” is a four letter word.    

That kind of brings me up to date with the exception of the third installment of the Ohio trip in June.  It is on my list.   Lol.  As is replying to your comments.  And there’s the question again - how did I ever find the time to work?

As always, thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching. 


  1. Great projects!
    The Temperature Tree is looking good.
    It's ben terribly hot here in WI all Summer.
    Normally, our hot season is in August, but it's cooled down a bit.
    I'm so ready for Fall.
    Great pics!

  2. It sounds like you had a really good July and so far, August. It was delightful to finally meet you in person after all these years, Robin. As I was leaving on Sunday, I remembered that I had taken my camera, but took absolutely no pictures. Oh well, perhaps there will be another time. Enjoy the rest of the month!

  3. Beautiful stitching, I also have the template for the temperature tree, but I'm still thinking about whether I'm making it for myself or for my children, perhaps from the year the children were born.
    And I love Blackbird Designs, I really like your pattern.
    Have a nice weekend, Martina

  4. Lovely stitching and photos , enjoy your weekend.

  5. Love the Blackbird Designs piece, Robin. I feel the same way about this summer! July was horrid and now August is so cool--it was 53 here in the Pittsburgh area this morning. BRRRR... How nice to spend some time in DC. I just love it there and two of my sons live in the area--one right down town with a view of the Jefferson Memorial. Hope we both find more stitching time soon!

  6. My old stomping grounds! I'm so jealous you got to meet the famous Robin! She's a gem!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.