April 14, 2010

Planning a trip to Massachusetts

I got so homesick for my daughter seeing Jennifer's post about being in Boston I just had to plan a trip to see my daughter.   She lives outside of Boston and it looks like it is set for us to travel to see her for Mother's Day weekend.   A weekend of my girls and crafting and giggling and a few drinks or two is great.   I wish it were this weekend.    I can't wait until we can get in transporters like on Star Trek and we can just beam ourself places.   Wouldn't that save so much time and give us all more stitching time?


  1. wahoo! when are we leaving????????

  2. popping in from Boston! It's beautiful here!


  3. Sounds like you will have a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend! Hope you have a Blessed time!

  4. That's great! I'm sure you will have a fun filled time - and I love the idea of transporters!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.