Thank you all for the well wishes on the ole back-a-roni. I guess I zigged when I should have zagged. Feeling a bit better (not!) which could be a result of the hot shower or the glass of wine. I figured the wine might work as a muscle relaxer and thereby save myself the trip to the friendly neighborhood doc.
Just an update as well on the Steig Larson books. The first book takes forever, I mean FOREVER, to get into. There is a lot of background; probably the first third to first half and gets interesting. The second book picks right up without all the laying the groundwork and the third book starts with the morning after the second book stops. Those of you that are reading it and getting discouraged.......hang in there it does get better.
If you like this trilogy and the sort of don't know who done it and cheer for the good guy books with twists and turns along the way, I recommend reading Greg Iles. Same sort of concept but his stories are set in the modern day south. Easier to follow(at least for us Yanks) because there is no need to try to remember all those foreign names, towns and highways. lol I have read Turning Angel and The Quiet Game. I think I finished each in a week....definite page turners. He has several books out...maybe 8 to 10. All seem to center around the same characters. I plan to pick up one of his when I am finished Hornets Nest as my next read.
So far 6 Halloweeners which means there is a whole lot of candy left for me. Oh No!
.....Random rants on my life, cross stitch, crafting, family and ridiculous events of my life.
October 31, 2010
A finish but than what else could I do....
I have been so encouraged by my recent several quick finishes that I am inspired to pick up my Drawn Thread Love and Wisdom Sampler to finish. It will be progress on the shortening that WIP list I have going on. However, ever try to send your husband into your craft/sewing room to retrieve something???? Well, I might be destined to just work on what I can get my hands on downstairs rather than send Mr. W. into the foreign land of stash-dom. Or worse, have him discover the extent of my stash! I think I'd rather not *expose* him.
From the center looking towards the bottom/bottom half to do. I need to pull the chart out but I think I am actually a little more than half-way.
Now for more anti-inflamatories, a hot shower, a cup of tea, a blankie and the remote.............HGTV here I come.
October 27, 2010
Progress Update
I have to just share this with you......I found this cutey patutey on Twisted Stitcher, Vonna shared this. She has a much better pix of her finish.
October 24, 2010
Taking my own advice
And of course I started the Bent Creek Pumpkins on a Hill.......because I have no restraint. lol.
Great day to all. Enjoy it no matter what you choose to do.
October 23, 2010
Pulled my new threads for my new start....
Today, I took my first beading class and this is what I made! Trust me, don't enlarge the photo to see how wonky I did it. It is a Deb Moffit-Hall design. What a great teacher and fun class. We did the June 2010 Bracelet. I enjoyed the day and will (perhaps) bead again but I don't see it taking the place of my cross stitching just yet. Lord knows I don't need another craft!!!
Been enjoying Gavin's soccer games on Sunday afternoon's. This photo was after his first game and he was sooooooooo tired at the end he couldn't even walk. He thought his "legs were going to fall off". This past week I used my Flip video and need to upload the video clips to send to him. I can see improvement in the 4 short weeks he has been playing. The first game, his mom, my son and I laughed the entire game as both teams of 8 year olds followed the ball in a swarm. They are getting better at holding positions now and Gavin has been playing goalie. He does OK I think because he has a better understanding of what his job is versus a halfback position.
Although I pulled threads for the Pumpkin on the Hill.....I think I need to devote some time to housework, garden, paperwork and reports before I put needle to thread again. I seem to get a one track mind and not a thing gets done except needlework. I need to strike a better balance rather than spend every FREE minute stitching. I seem to let stitching dominate my free time and become my main focus......can we say obsessive? Get home, eat dinner, change clothes, stitch til bedtime and do it again the next day. Doesn't sound like a bad thing to be doing but......there is the occasionally load of landry I should be doing or bills I should be writing..... but but but I really want to work on Pumpkin on the Hill for Becky's Pumpkin Challenge. Maybe I need to start using the timer I used to set for the kids "time outs".....hmmm, Robin needs a time-out. Funny how we mother's eventually eat our words......."do what you have to do before you do what you want to do......" I'll get that one out here before my kids read my blog and make the comment.
Soon as paint is dry and framing is done, I will post Live Simply! and may I will learn to live simply....
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend. We are enjoying beautiful warm (with a fall crispness) weekend. Thanks for visiting and reading my ramblings receiving your comments........
October 19, 2010
Check it out
Here's my progress on my Primitive Needle "Live Simply". Originally I intended not to include the alphabet however.......I needed to stitch a bit more to make it fit the store bought frame. I did these letters yesterday during lunch. I often sit in my car to stitch at lunch and yesterday the warm sun felt so good. It really does 'center' me and bring that blood pressure down to get away from the phones for a few minutes. Besides, I work with non-stitchers and they don't get it......and probably never will and that's OK.
I am on a current path of self-framing rather than paying an arm and a leg for framing and I hope to finish this up this week and frame it this weekend. Pardon the wrinkles. I prefer to work in hand and it does make for a wrinkly bit of linen. I love the colors and have picked up a plain black frame that I hope to paint blue and then distress it a bit to have the black show through.
Also check out She is having great give-a-way!
I found a great new blog if you like rustic and primitive style stitching. It is Country Rustic Primitives. She has a link in her sidebar to "PatternMart" which look like an easy way to purchase patterns. This blog was recommended by The Sampler Girl and I found it when I was doing my morning blog-hopping!
I found a great new blog if you like rustic and primitive style stitching. It is Country Rustic Primitives. She has a link in her sidebar to "PatternMart" which look like an easy way to purchase patterns. This blog was recommended by The Sampler Girl and I found it when I was doing my morning blog-hopping!
Now a quick half hour of stitching before I shower, hit the grocery store for treats, and head to work for a day of training on new software............let's hope I don't glaze over too early into the presentation. lol Have a great, albeit wet, day all!!!!
October 14, 2010
Bummer - NOT!
I just received a call from work telling me all non-essential personnel need not report to work today. Hmmm, I thought I was pretty essential but anyway. There is a water main break and our complex has no water! My boss said treat like a snow day. YeHa! I will be forced to stitch all day and perhaps finish up my Live Simply little sampler.....oooohhhh, maybe I can do the finishing on iStitch Halloween! Oh, the possibilities! Here's the irony............I work for the water company who's main is broken. So I am the provider as well as the customer. hmmmm, does that mean I complain to myself? is a free day, a pleasant surprise, time to get out my latest Netflix and watch with another cup of java and needle and thread in hand. I see a nap in my afternoon...........
October 9, 2010
Feel Your Boobies

The first 5K I WALKED and I stress WALKED!!! the 3-wheel police trike was behind me picking up the cones - how embarrassing. I finished under an hour but was the last lonely sole. The second 5K I did - I was so excited when I saw the Olympic style clock over the finish line clicking the seconds and I was like wow! I knocked off several minutes from my former time! Yeah. NOT! When I logged in the the Races to Run info, I found I only shaved off a mere 12 seconds from my previous 5K. At least I was not last at that one. The parents with strollers and kids in wagons and toddlers walking were behind me. So tomorrow I have hope.....there have to be grandmothers with walkers that I can walk faster than. I hope to one day be able to complete a 5K in under 50 minutes. Not realy big aspirations. Maybe tomorrow will be the day and maybe not........but more to the point, I will be out there walking for the cure and the rest of you should FEEL YOUR BOOBIES.....or maybe if you get lucky, have a 'friend' feel you boobies! lol I need to buy my *PINK* t-shirt today!
October 5, 2010
Check out Sarah's Give-a-way at the Crafty Moo
and check out Michelle's Give-a-way at Michelle's StitchCraft Place
and another, see Tammy's Give-a-way at I Want To Do One More Stitch
and yet another, must be the season! see this pink giveaway on Nataly's Needle Creations
and check out Michelle's Give-a-way at Michelle's StitchCraft Place
and another, see Tammy's Give-a-way at I Want To Do One More Stitch
and yet another, must be the season! see this pink giveaway on Nataly's Needle Creations
October 3, 2010
This one's for Stacy
Quick re-cap of my retreat.....this is the 3rd time I have joined the members of my needlework quild for a 3-day weekend in Ocean City, Maryland. We stay at the Lankford Hotel in OCMD and it just happens to be connected to Salty Yarns Cross Stitch store. Hotel Owners/Operators are also Salty Yarns Owners/Operators and we are so catered to during our stay by these fellow stitchers.
So, for Stacy, since I packed up the trunk of the car before she could get a look at my bootey here's a sneak peek of my stuff.
But first......this is my new start for this weekend. WOW! Another quick stitch and I am loving these quick stitches. They are taking me back to LOVING cross stitch. This is from the Primitive Needle and called Live Simply. Shouldn't we all just Live Simply?? I had the pattern in my stash so I picked up the WDW floss on my first trip around the store when I arrived on Friday.....
On the way down to OCMD, we took a detour to a quilt/fabric shop....Serendipity Quilts and of course I picked up some fat quarters to add to my stash along with this pattern for a table runner....
and, just because this one has spools of thread. I'll have to make some sort of stitching accessory with it....
and these two for the cute little "runaround bag"
So fast forward to when we arrived and we got a little 'welcome gift' - Just Nan's Hagatha's Hat! Mine is purple and the fabric is WDW Peoria Purple is in the bag.
Since my nearby stores don't carry cross stitch magazines, I picked up the Christmas edition of Just Cross Stitch....something to ooh and ahh over in the weeks to come.
On my wish list before I went was Blue Ribbon Designs - Blessed Beyond Measure. This is the one thing I knew I was wanted to come home with. I love the fact Belinda includes 5 designs to choose from for the outside sleeve. Being a quilter, I love the lucite ruler. What a handy little stitching accessory. I know in addition to one going in my bag, at least four or five other ladies were taking this one home too.
I just couldn't live without this one. It was done up and on the counter near the check out area. There were a couple in the series and they were completed and are mounted in shadow boxes. All the little embellishments/adornments came with the kit. I think I will mix some mono-filament in with my floss on Mr. Bones bones to give it an edge!
This from Pine Mountain! is another quick stitch. These awesome little all-in-ones. There is one for each month and I can see them in my future!!!
and of course some other embellishments and needles
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