March 25, 2012

Updates coming...

Wow!  No time to post right now but just had to send out a Big Thank You for all the positive and supportive comments to my Where Have I Been and Where Am I Going post....thanks Lynn, Mindy, JAS, Jodie, Catherine, Donna and the rest.....

Just like when a team is struggling and the coach takes the players back to the fundamentals....that is what I did.   I got out the ole playbook and said what was I doing when my life made sense?  What is it that soothes my soul?  I went back to my basics and feel like my stars are once again aligned.    My basics?    Stitching and my yard.   Lucky for me we are having unseasonably warm weather on the east coast and lucky for me I convinced Mr. Wonderful we did not need a lawn service to do all my  fertilizing, cutting, trimming, weeding and mulching.   I caved on the bobcat work for the  fallen trees and caved on the grass cutting.   First, I just can't handle moving logs anymore and the chain saw is busted; second, Mr. W will be away for 8 weeks this summer and he thought it would be nice to have the lawn taken care of while he was gone; and third, it frees up my weekends to head to Philly to be with my daughter or hit the beach with my girlfriends.......I hesitated and then remember cutting the grass in the dark after work last summer and relented.  I got over the mentality that it has nothing to do with my ability to do it, it my reward for working hard, scrimping and saving all these's my cigarette money.  (WOW - I justify a lot with that money I don't spending on buying cartons of cigarettes like others do!) ......I get to be the lady of manor with a groundskeeper but I still get to play in the flower beds and hope to get my mulch delivered soon!  I see a vacation day in my future.  LOL

Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies....I am off to a fundraiser and hope to update my blog later this week with details on a recent finish and a recent framing!

PS  A day of beauty and a new haircut helps to boost the spirits too!

1 comment:

Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.