June 10, 2013

Insects x 3 = goodbye to my floors*

Just a big old rant here.....what's the worse thing that could happen to a homemaker?   Yesterday I spread the final bits of mulch.   Halfway through I said, self, you deserve a break.   After dusting all the loose bits and pieces and dirt and such off my sweats, I sat back in the recliner with a big glass of water, an orange and my laptop intent on checking email.   Then it happened, did I see what I thought I saw out of the corner of my eye.....no can't be.....there it is again......it can't be....but it was.....a flea!  And I don't even have a cat anymore.   Just sand fleas I guess from working in the yard and rolling around in the grass.  Caught that nasty bugger and squished him I did.

Fast forward to this morning and an 8:30 text to call my contractor who put in our replacement windows last week.   I just figured he was closing the loop and wanted to make sure I was happy with the work.   Wrongo!  he found termite damage.  I told him to put me on his list and come around when he could.   Wrongo again.   So much that he is pulling off the siding, the sheathing and replacing the studs starting at 7:30 tomorrow.  It is an emergency.  He is afraid the front wall of my house which is supporting the roof, will crumble.  So instant headache for the remainder of day.

After a tornado scare at work and me leading all the third floor occupants to the basement and into the corporate vault, I get in the car to head home.   I am sitting at a red light and what do I see....another DAMNED flea and then a second.   What the heck!

It's all good.  I am riding home in my still smelling like a new car car.  I reflected on all I accomplished over the weekend and was able to cross off my to-do list.  Finished the mulch.  Got the patched up pool vacuumed.   Spackled the corner of the dining room where the drywall tape had buckled.  Bought refreshments for and manned the snack table at a puppet show.  I have left-overs for dinner so no cooking necessary.  No where to go tonight.  So life is good.....until I get home and discover ANTS!     Just what I want to be doing at 9:00 on a Monday night, scrubbing floors and countertops and wiping down the backsplash.  I have fleas.   My dining room has termites.   My kitchen has ants.  A real banner day!  Looks like the money I have been squirreling away to have my floors* refinished will be thrown into the termite remediation.  It could be worse:  I guess I could have bees colonizing in my walls!  It is all good, just bump in the road and nothing that can't be remedied.

However, I say that while I sit with my friend for the evening.....


  1. All I can say is, "UGH!" Sending good thoughts your way!

  2. Oh no. So frustrating! Guess an exterminator is in order.no fun!

  3. Oh dear, also sending good thoughts your way.

  4. Even worse, you could not have the money you need saved! We bought this house knowing that it had had termites. We throw money annually at a company to come check for activity. (This allegedly helps sell the house.) When we had the floors in the kitchen redone, they had to replace the subfloor because it hadn't been done when the original remediation was. I understand your frustration! Maybe you're getting fleas from someone at work?

  5. You really shouldn't have said that about the bees. For me that would mean it will happen! We've had termites before. NOT FUN! Hang in there!

  6. Sorry to hear about the insects! We had a real termite problem in our previous house. Not fun at all. Hopefully everything can be fixed.

  7. Sshhh - don't say that out loud! Knock on wood!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.