Well it is only the 4th day of the year and I need to put a disclaimer on my 2014 Stitching Goals. I actually realized I had run amok when I did my annual New Year's Day new start which I didn't even technically wait until the 1st to start. It's all relative - first of the year - again with the justification! So my stitching path for the year has wild cards which include any guild projects or SAL's, any class projects, and my New Year's Day start will be EXEMPT from this silly concentrate-on-only-two-pieces-at-a-time mantra.
This is Penny America. Ever have one of those brainless times? I counted, calculated and even used my ICalc Stitching ap but just struggled with the starting point so disregard the upper left motif. It is the first 2014 frogging needed. I
knew I would never have order fabric with only a one-inch to 1 1/2 selvage. I re-started, as you can see, by finding the middle and working out. Rather than proceed from the center out I just had to stitch over to the left side to validate I ordered a piece big enough.
Getting a new camera for Christmas and looking back I realized I took almost NO holiday pictures. Still too many bells and whistles I don't know how to use on the camera. This is my son, intent on directions to the Flex One I gave him.
Gavin looks happy with the afghan made in Penn State colors by Aunt Amy.
Yesterday I had a *snow* day from work. After shoveling and clearing walkways, a bit of stitching and a bit of napping in the recliner with Buddy on my lap, I thought I needed to get in gear and take advantage of the bonus day at home. I started the 'undressing' of the house. Usually it looks bare but this year I am embracing the sleekness of the clean kitchen counter. Almost everything is down except for the trees. Small problem, the snow has drifted and blocked access to the door to the section of the garage when the storage tubs are. Oops!
I moved upstairs with a mission in mind. I ~Shopped~ My Stash. I organized my charts and kits. One small problem....I didn't know how to proceed. How do you organize them: by designer, by what is completely kitted, by desired stitching order?? I decided to order by theme: Christmas together, Patriotic together, etc. Don't know if it it right or wrong but it works for now.
Here's my AFTER view of everything sorted and stored. I got the nifty boxes from Ikea. There is not enough height in my cabinet to stand the magazine files upright but they work just fine on their sides.
All these finished pieces that even have the finishing fabrics chosen but I never returned to complete. It's on the list for this year. I moved them out of the box they were stored in and into a basket I will have to see every time I go into my sewing room. Goal - one finish a month.
If you have managed to stay with me this far, here's a treat. On my mission to sort I did an
honest evaluation of my stash. I made a decision to get rid of those charts that even though I still love I realize I will never ever do in three lifetimes. I love Ellen Chester but do I really need another Huswif or Necessary? That and tastes change, new charts come along, etc., etc. I am offering these up in a
PIF/Pay It Forward Give-A-Way.
1. Let's keep it simple. No jumping through hoops. One entry per person. Enter by
responding to this post only.
2. You can share this with others, or not.
3. The winner must agree to peruse the charts, keeping what they wish and passing on what they don't care to keep in a PIF Give-A-Way within 4 weeks of winning.
4. The winner must agree to shop their stash and include charts, floss, trims, fat quarters, etc. they no longer wish to keep.
5. Winner must have a blog.
6. Sorry, USA and Canada entries only.
7. Winner will be drawn on January 22rd. I will be away from the 24th of January until February 2nd. Winner will need to follow up via email or a comment during that time. When I return from the sunny, warm, snowless, Caribbean I will send the package out. No response by the winner by February 2nd, a new winner will be selected from existing entries.
Whoosh! And that is what I thought was keeping it simple!
Here's the some of the booty: Mill Hill, JBW, Shepherd's Bush, Maureen Appleton, Milady's Needle, Ellen Chester, Rosewood Manor, Drawn Thread, Cindy Valentine and more. Most are just the charts, some have embellishments, some have floss, some are complete kits.
That's quite a stack o' stuff.
As for me, I think I will be staying cozy and close to the fire today. Yes, that is Buddy on the mantle. After countless times of replacing everything back to its rightful place each evening, I resigned myself that this is where Buddy wants to sleep. I am not a Cat Owner, I am rather
Owned by a cat!
Happy stitching all and a thank you for stopping by and your comments. I don't always reply to your comments (life gets in the way sometimes doesn't it) but I do read (and re-read) and cherish that you took the time to visit and leave a note not to mention that I am inspired by your blogs, your stitching, your finishes and your generosity and friendship!