for no particular reason......just being grateful. I have things I love to do and the means to do them. Ok enough sappy stuff.
I am just home from Camp WannaSew. I was a first time attendee with fellow EGA members. You guys get it...four days in a hotel with like minded friends, some old, some new (hi Erica!). As Erica explained, we have found our tribe. So true. It is nice to get to know members of other guilds as well as my own! In monthly meetings you really don't have time to chat so this was good opportunity to talk and get to know my fellow guild members. We were in Ocean City Maryland which is a favorite spot of mine. (maybe I can retire here!) This time I stayed at the Clarion and not the Lankford but not to worry, I did make a visit to Salty Yarn to see Sara and Sally and shop. I was lucky enough to see my blogging buddy, Stasi, who was onsite to help with fabric cutting.
This is Saturday from the boardwalk. Warm enough for a stroll with
only a vest on.
So what does one do at Camp goes....
Lacing the front and back of my 'flying' Santa. |
Pat and I worked on the finishing on a Pat Thode Heartstrings Santa. Four of us stitched this a couple of years back. This weekend was the perfect opportunity to work on the finishing. (Carol and Diane - we worked out all the bugs along the way and will be able to help you through finishing at OCMD in April! We will give you a supply list before our next trip to OCMD.)
Here's Pat's clipped and ready to lace. |
And mine. I need to finish up the lacing, sewing the front and back together
and add the braid trim and move this to the finished column! |
Early morning Saturday |
Walking the boards on Saturday |
Early morning Monday - look close, that's snow on the beach! |
I also got a satisfying amount stitched on two of my 2016 Challenge pieces. After I submitted my four pieces to the challenge I got a bit worried that I was over zealous. I can be my worst enemy as well as my biggest champion when it comes to a project. So here's to keeping positive! This weekend energized me with a renewed hope that I can do it!

For my Chester County Sampler piece, I decided I would stitch the left hand side of each band all the way to the bottom of the design. Why? Well I need a diversion from all those eyelets in the alphabet! My plan forward will be to stitch a letter, stitch on a band, stitch a letter and so on. Will it work out.....who knows but it is my plan until it doesn't.
I changed up the colors of this band since it was too southwest looking. I also switched out the all Algerian eyes charted for this band with regular cross stitch, modified rice stitch, smyrna cross and tied cross stitch. |
I also picked up My Stitching Treasures. Here again, I have renewed hope that I can finish this one as well. If I divide it into sections so as to not be overwhelmed with the entire piece, I am feeling good about moving this from the WIP pile to a finish. Two motifs down this weekend and 28 of various sizes and stitches to go.
Two of the above sections get charms so I only have four motifs to finish before I more to the next section. |
I like this modified Van Dyke stitch. I hope if I ever need to stitch a bumble bee, I remember this stitch. |
I was gifted this fab wine glass from Iowa Ann. So nice of her and all because I was sitting at one of her table of peeps! Of course I had to christian it. It says "One stitch, two sips".....hmmm, should have a second line that says "equals lots of frogging!".
What a difference a day makes. And me with no snow
scraper. You know that emergency flashlight you have in
the car? It works as a snow scraper too |
View from the Sports Bar at Sunday night's dinner. |
I love snow and this was the first snow of the season for us so of course I have to take non-sensical snow photos. |
And I almost forgot to share some of the Show 'n Tell! Ann W., the organizer, did a fantastic job!
174 strong, in this banquet room which had fabulous lighting. No need for my Ott Light. |
Happy stitching all......stay warm!