July 16, 2017

Another Drive-by

Quick, super quick, update on progress.....  soon to cross off the WIP list.   This is part of my 2017 Challenge - complete projects started before 2017 and never finished.

 Of course, I can't wait until all the cross stitching is completed to start the back stitch.  I like how the design *pops* when the backstitching is in place.

I hope to get back to working on Corsica River this week.   I just having been in the mood to stitch on  that piece lately.   I've got a long list of things I need to get done and maybe like that list, Corsica River too seems to be insurmountable.......well, how do we make that long journey....one step at a time.   I'm off to taking one step at a time and to hopefully cross a task or two or ten off my to-do list.

Thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching.  


  1. Looking good! Okay, I have to ask...what is the silver bar in the upper left hand of the photo.....something to hold your hoop?
    Have a good one!

  2. Your basket of apples is looking good. I think the backstitching is making it pop.

  3. Cute! Some of the "vintage" aida designs are just too fun to pass up! My confession is that I secretly like aida! It's certainly a lot easier to see the holes than 32ct linen! lol!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.