I seem to have run out of steam this weekend and literally had a do nothing day yesterday. Well do nothing to me means I still got some things done. Mr. W. got a new computer which meant we (?) had to clean his desk. This lead to a bunch of stuff that was pushed to me to put where it belonged.
I did to sort through my baskets of PHDs (Projects Half Done) and am embarrassed to say there are
20 29 projects. Ugh! One for sure I can date to 2003. At the same time I made a list of my current WIPs. Ugh again! There are eight. And let’s forgot the ones I want to add to my stitch rotation. UGH!!
Look at these cute key tags that my friend Pat got and shared with me. Makes it easy to know what is in it bag without removing it from the basket, opening it up, returning to the basket. You know that could easily lead to a side trip.
I laid out all the pieces that need something done to
them to be able to mark them as completed |
On a good note, I do have two WIPs close to being finished. And some of the smaller PHDs are just a few stitches away from completion too. I need to launch some sort of plan to chip away at this backlog. I wish I was the kind of stitcher that worked on only one project at a time not starting a new one until finishing the current one. I don’t have that sort of discipline. Oh well, I guess it is nice to have stitching options to suit the moods. And to add insult to injury and upset any plan I had formulated, my prestitch for Prim Stitchers Retreat arrived yesterday and my stitching plans need to be all re-thought.
As for finishing, I have a stitching friend that devotes January, February and March to finishing. Therefore, I pulled out my UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) and have a plan in mind to set April as my month to do finishing.
These are the two pieces I am concentrating on this week. Both are close to crossing the finish line. The Curious Needlebook is an EGA project. Not one to work on canvas much, I've had a little bit of an issue with the outer border which is stitched in part on the diagonal.
The circular Jessica's were not as hard as I thought they would be. Although not perfect, they will look just fine from the top of the bridge.

Next up is Pioneer School Girl from Betsy Morgan. The stitching is almost done, the finishing, April? I am making it my mission to move these two off the WIP list and to pick up a small PHD to get finished once these two are done. I will have to create some sort of algebraic formula if X equals started projects and Y equals stitched but not finished, what is the answer to how to get caught up!
Hopefully I can move these two from WIP to UFO this week! It’s a shell game for sure.
And what do I do but start a new quilting project. Baby girl Thompson is due in February and I think I should get moving on her quilt. It is easy to justify this new start. I managed to cut it out Friday and hope to get some machine time this afternoon.
Well it seems I justify all my new starts. Omgosh! I am out of control. Already I don’t know how I had time to work and it hasn’t been a month yet.
Thanks for stopping by and keep on stitching!