They sure do work well for little ones as well as for myself when it comes to a project I am frustrated with. I think I have gotten myself straightened out.....or possibly I am continuing to fool myself. The later is the more likely.
This is the corrected flower pot that had given me the fit. |
Land That I Love is my early morning piece. Most days I am getting about an hour in before I start to tackle the dishes or laundry or whatever the day may hold. Remember when I posted about making a dilly or 10 mistakes? Well my mistake was even worse/better than originally thought. Seems the only error was in the current flower I was stitching and not earlier on in the pattern as I had thought. Said nemesis is pictured above. Frog-frog-frog that flower, its stem and leaves and I am back on track. I think putting this piece in time-out gave me a chance to chill out and re-evaluate with fresh eyes. And oh yes, no more believing I can count or stitch in the evenings when having a glass of Pinot.

I cleaned my craft room and guest room and I feel so much better for it. My craft room and my craft table, in particular, is well-known as my catch-all. I never quite know why I am out of sorts or without motivation, and then I walk in is like some horror movie fabric-and-floss monster, invisible to the untrained eye, creeping down the steps like the blob and invading my Qi. And we all know what happens when you go into your craft room.....yes, all kinds of discoveries and things to touch and imagine with and divert your attention....and finding of things you don't even remember can lose a weekend. I was good and only spent an afternoon. As well as putting everything in its place, I boxed up some charts I am taking to our first in-person in a year EGA meeting to see if anyone wants any.
I've been spending time helping my sister who is still struggling with the loss of her husband last fall. I've helped her plant flowers, driven her to some appointments, as well as I assembled an Ikea-like credenza for her. I know of all the things I can give her my time is the most valuable and it is nice to just be silly together. Next up, we are going to meet weekly to work on our hexagon quilts together. I dug that project out of its hidey hole and brushed the cobwebs off of it. I may decide to continue in a totally different direction. I was originally making flowers that I planned to edge with a neutral background but after one day of working with my sister on it, I think I might just go with just a total random placement as she is doing. Jury is still out. The random placement would be a complete no brainer. Whichever way I choose to proceed, I think I have found a project I can work on in the evenings. I think we only need about 600 of these 2 1/2 in hexagons to make a quilt. Great scrap buster.

I did cross that monumental threshold and signed up for Social Security and Medicare. The years of worrying will SS still be there when I need it because eligibility seemed so far into the future have vanished. The online application on the website was easy to complete and in less than 24 hours I was notified my application is being processed. Now all I have to do is wait for that first check to be deposited.
The yard is done, yes completely done, with the exception of my Back 40 project. I don't know if I will clear anymore or not. It just might stay as it is but then again I may get the 'itch' to play in the dirt.
The strawberries are being harvested, lettuce is growing as well as the spinach and other veggies. I only need to spend about 30 minutes a day tending everything and the rest of the time is pool or deck time.....that is if I am staying home that day. On the pool front, the weather has been TOO COLD (in the 50's just ten days ago) to get that water warm enough for me. I need to convince Mr. Wonderful that it is his idea to get a solar cover for the pool for the grand babies. (he-he)
For stitching I have been concentrating on three pieces. Land That I Love as I stated above. Ye Old Crow Sampler from Heart In Hand is a quick piece to pick up and carry with me just in case stitching time should magically be available. I take it to babysitting and have put in nary a stitch while there. Delusional, that's what I am.
Winter Rose Manor is my stitching-group piece. I only stitch on this on Thursdays. After my needlework group meets, I stitch ahead to outline a big chuck of the house so the following week I can just do the fill in. I'm all ready for tomorrow for a section of the house and the two empty windows. It helps me avoid frogging mistakes made while chattering away. Once I get the house done I am not sure how I will proceed.

Babysitting continues to be a joy. We have taken on kids exercising on You Tube. I've got to say that Will's jumping jacks look a little spastic but then again so must mine. And I cheat and situate myself out of sight and don't do the burpees. I mean, are you kidding me?
I treated myself to a project bag from Dot Dot Goose. I included the little floss keeper book. I have really taken to liking these little needle books not so much for my fancy floss but for the other five strands of DMC when working with one on 36 count. This is now my new home for Land That I Love.

Next week a stitching pal and I are heading to Virginia Beach. Ye ha! I can't wait. The main reason is to spend time with our dear stitching buddies from Camp WannaStitch which was not held this year. These four ladies are gems. About five years ago we needed a table to sit at and they had two empty chairs. We became fast friends and have sat with them every year since. And of course, when in Virginia Beach we will do what all other stitchers do and visit Dying to Stitch.
My daughters and I are forming our plans for our annual July 4th Sew-a-thon get together. Seems it will be shorter than in the past but it will be wonderful just the same. Nevertheless, I am tossing a couple of projects around in my head for what I might concentrate on. A red-white-and-blue quilt top could be the forerunner. I've got some make ahead menu ideas in mind to make it easier and maximize our crafting time.
Thanks for stopping by, happy stitching ahead for everyone, stay safe and stay healthy.