Whenever I go down the rabbit hole in my craft room I vow to finish some WIPs. Well this time I am making it so. I decided to spend all my cross stitching this month on those WIPs. For the most part, I pulled out projects that were at least half done although some only had the stitches placed during a meeting. Get ready…….lots to see with what I have been doing the last few weeks.
Ye Old Crow, by Heart in Hand. Stitched on 32 count, PTP Carnival from stash. Changed vines to wrapped back stitch, changed leaves to Kudzu, changed pumpkin to Toffee.
Perforated paper snowflake. This is stitched on metallic paper with a Kreinik-like fiber. Most monthly EGA meetings we have a small project that introduces a new technique, fiber, stitch, etc. This is one of those.

O Tannenbaum Also an EGA project I was able to finished and get out of the UFO basket. I added the beads and changed up the tree from what was charted.
A guild project from Christmas in July 2021. Stitched and ready to finish!
Last, My Stitchers Heart from Hands on Design. Oh the shame……this was 95% completed and then I stopped! I had started stitching the scissors fob, the last of the smalls I had to do, over one instead of two. For whatever reason, I put the project down and moved onto something else.
Terri Bay Lotus Box, yes, another EGA project. Seems I start of lot of these EGA projects and don't finish them. This was intimidating to me until I got going with it. Before I can get back into it I need to review where I was, what I was doing and I need some alone time to do that. It was supposed to be done in all white but I have changed the blackwork to blue. I used 28 count mystery linen instead of the called for 25 count Dublin. You have to stitch this design twice; once for the inside and once for the outside so it is only about 40% complete. I’m setting a goal for myself to get it done before our first EGA meeting of the year in September.
It feels so good to (partially) empty out that WIP basket of some of the niggling little half finished projects. It was a 2021 goal of mine to have fewer WIPs/UFOs on the list by December. Hopefully by the end of the year I will not have added too many more to that basket. Truth be told, I have just moved them from the UFO basket to the FFO basket but it is still progress.