May 25, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Here in the USA, Memorial Day is the 'official' start of summer.  Flags will be everywhere, red, white and blue bunting will be draped across porches.  Most will be enjoying family, fun, parades and bar-b-ques but we need to remember those, and their families, who gave service to their country and paid the ultimate price to ensure we could enjoy our freedoms.    I live near a service men's club and I will hear their speeches and music as sounds of their solemn ceremony is carried through the trees and drifts into my backyard.  I will take a moment to pause and be thankful as I hear "Taps" being played.  

Memorial Day in my house also signals the start of Mr. W. being on the road.   This the 12th season for him traveling with the Jersey Surf Drum Corp.  Our daughter marched in the late 90's, aging out in 2000.   Just because she aged out didn't mean we stopped.  I stayed on a few years as the uniform manager/seamstress and Mr. W. as a driver.

I took a little matchbox truck and added a business
card logo to replicate his truck.

First driving his own vehicle towing an equipment trailer up to getting his CDL and driving one of their two tractor and trailers with equipment and being in charge of logistics.   Everyone needs a hobby and a place to feel like they belong and he really enjoys it.   How can one get angry when he is supporting a youth group traveling across the country to various performance sites along the way to World DCI Finals in Indianapolis in August.   World Finals are absolutely so see 10,000 young people (ages 14 to 21) take the field in full uniform in a ceremony that mimics to the opening of the Olympics is really moving.....and then they all start to play America the Beautiful ...imagine 8,000 musicians in a major football stadium playing together.  (I need to look through my old pix and find/scan one to share.) You can feel the drums inside you.    I mean really, you can feel the vibrations inside your body.  OK, enough, I am gushing but I am the mother of two percussionists and have a soft spot for drummers.

I did travel with him the first copy of years but I don't have the amount of vacation he has and it was EXHAUSTING and truth is, kept me from my other joys.   I didn't touch my sewing machine for about 7 years after the constant sewing of uniforms and flags for almost 15 years stopped.  As it puts him on the road (this summer for 8 weeks!) it gives me a summer to do as I wish.  I think I will really enjoy the adding benefit of a lawn cutting service this summer.   Weekends will really be carefree.

I hope all enjoy their weekend with whatever they plan.   I have NO plans! Which could really bother some but not me.  After more than a few hectic weeks I look forward to yard time and deck time doing a little reading, a little stitching, a little fabric cutting, and a little nothing!  


  1. Hey Robin,
    Thanks for this great post and remembering what this holiday is all about. It amazes me that here in NC it is not celebrated the way it is up north. Some people actually call it a Northern Holiday and it used to be the University didn't have it off as a holiday. There are only a couple of parades in the state. When i loved in Maine it was the day to go take care of the family cemetery plot and to spend that time with those loved ones that have passed.
    Ok that was probably more than you needed to know ?!
    I hope that you have a wonderful restful weekend! I hope to do some stitching :)

  2. I live near Indianapolis (born and raised) but have never heard of this competition. World DCI finals? My son was in band all through school, but he's never heard of it either. Drum and bugle corp. something or other?

    I'll have to keep an eye out for this in August. I'd love to go watch!!


Thanks is much for stopping by. I so enjoy your comments even if I do not always reply. Have a great day that hopefully includes a bit of stitching.