More updating on things that I have been up to....
Junk Shopping
We made a quick side trip on the way home from our guild meeting on Saturday morning stopping at the Marketplace Annex in Newport, DE. They buy out estates, etc. and always have great things. I picked these two goodies.
Tiny little child's chair and a blue and white milk pitcher. |
I tried the flowers but like my little teddy bear better! |
I added the blue and white pitcher to my collection of blue and white planters. I live by my mother's creed of collecting......don't but it because it has a certain brand or name to it, buy if you like it! |
Dancing with the Stars starts in a few minutes and who can even guess who will be eliminated. I felt so bad for Katherine Jenkins last night. She just seems to be such a fresh, innocent girl next store kind of girl full of niceness. What a season. One of my favorite dances was year is this one.....
Maria and Derek, Week 8, It was not just the moves, it was the intensity between them, their interpretation and it was the song that did it for me.....everyone should be able to experience a love like the Christina Perri sings about at least once in their life.....I know, sappy aren't I?
Stitching Progress
I have a finish to share and as well as a start. This is Shakespeare's Peddler - Keys. I must visit my framer and see if I can mount it as a tray to toss change and keys into.
It sure would look better with some a few skeleton keys and not my work keys. |
And I started laying in basting stitches for my BAP (Big A$$ Project) that I hope to start in July. Why July? Because I am staying the course.......keep on working on my WIP's. If I can finish at least half of what I had on my list in January, I will reward myself with the new start. This is a major commitment for Side Track Robin! I am trying to be strong.
I started laying basic basting 20 threads apart and quickly decided after my initial 3 x 3 down the center, to move to 40 threads apart. I am using 35 count WDW - Parchment |
Home and Family
Sunday - I got up and did a quick staining of my deck. By early afternoon, my favorite spring/summer retreat area was ready. Good thing because I was treated to surprise visit from my daughter and my son-in-law. I had a big pork roast ready to cook planning the left overs for me to eat during the week so I was it easy to set two more plates for them. What!? It was Mother's Day! Should I be cooking? Yes, of course, because I am a care taker and I am thrilled to have someone to cook for. Heather pitched in with the salad and dessert and it wasn't long before we were on the deck stitching the afternoon away. Mr. W. used to tell me - 'expect nothing, than whatever you get, you are happy with'. I did really get it or subscribe to his spin on life....but Sunday I got it.....I am a slow learner a times. I was smiling like a Cheshire cat just enjoying the afternoon with my daughter. It was a treat because I didn't expect to see any of my children on Mother's Day.
8 a.m. |
9:15 a.m. |
2 p.m. and Mr. W. will be thrilled when I manage to move the rest of my plants outside. He's made comment more than once. I've decide he just figures it is easier to just tolerate me and my stuff than argue with me! |
Heather knits a sleeve to a sweater. |
Heather gave me this little guy.....there is the every present squirrel theme in gifts in my house. This started after the squirrel sat on Mr. W's head several years has given us many a segway....where she finds these things.....I mean really, a solar powered squirrel on a motorcycle was perfect and has taken a place of honor in the garden by the pond. We are silly folks.
One potato, two potato.....remember when you put you hands in and sang the song and the last one was the winner and got to choose......well, I was the winner on Sunday and if I had to choose the best way to spend my day, spending in the great outdoors, all comfy in my back yard, with my family is what I would choose.
Have a great week forecast for my little world is looking up after a couple days of rain.