Just a busy little bee. (this post was pre-empted by my bug trifecta!) I just seem to be one of those people that has an unending long to-do list. I seem to seek tasks out that others don't see.
Work continues to take much of my waking hours but I am in a much better place mentally about it as well as treating myself to be out of the office no later than 6 p.m. For the first two months I was scurrying around like a mad woman thinking I had to make it all work and feeling like a failure because I couldn't.....then I had a stern talking to myself and let the reality that we are 5-five-FIVE! admins down due to transfers and illness sink in and accept that there is no way one person can pick that all up and make it continue seamlessly. I now have the second of three major filings off to the Public Service Commission, CEO off to the west coast next week, CFO off to his timeshare for two weeks, temp started Monday, replacement Admin hired today and starting July 1 and I feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel which is no longer the oncoming train.
The deck is just about ready. Need a stretch of dry days
to get it stained. This is a fav spot to have morning coffee, to
stitch, to have a evening drink, to read or to just be. |
Bought and hung a basket on the big blank wall on my deck |
I still find myself falling asleep at 9:00 - 9:30 at night with a stitching project on my lap and little actual stitching progress. Mulch was delivered about 4 weeks late and I have spent a couple hours each night getting a few wheelbarrows of it spread and was able to finish up this past weekend. My above ground pool had a leak which hampered spreading of mulch....why spread it around the landscaping around the pool if we may be taking it down. Mr. W. had a $$$ amount in mind of how much he was willing to spend to make repairs. Since I am the only one who uses the pool, I guess I see where he is coming from. We replaced some fittings and gaskets which slowed the leaks did not stop them entirely and then used some underwater epoxy to actually finish the job. Seriously, Mr. W hasn't been in the pool since the 90's! and the kids only come down 2 maybe 3 times a summer to use it. I feel like such a spoiled brat about being sad about the
possibility of pool being torn down. I look forward to coming home from work and floating with a big glass of ice water (or glass of wine), doing a little aqua aerobics and listening to music. It is my reward after a day of yard work, a gathering place for girlfriends, my evening zen place. I have had a pool in my backyard since I was 8. When we were first married, we didn't have a pool but both my mother and mother-in-law did and both lived nearby. I don't see me joining the country club set so you may find me with my lawn chair in a plastic kiddie pool this summer.

We had some new windows put in (remember my outburst about the discovery of termites?) We replaced all the windows in the house 27 years ago and some needed updating. We had a couple that the seals were broken and condensation was clearly/constantly visuable between the glass and several that were very difficult to open due to either settling or maybe not installed 100% correctly to begin with. It meant moving furniture, taking down valances and blinds, etc. We changed the window configuration in two different rooms and that means I have screw holes from the previous blind hardware. Getting out the spackle and paint for those touch-ups I might as well tackle the corner that needed repair. Due to a groundhog

burrowing under the concrete slab that my dining room sets on, the front corner of room had settled and skewed the drywall tape in the corner. My initial action was to chip away the wrinkled tape and slap some paint on it last summer. Yeah, I know, shame on me....should have just done the job then. It is not perfect but my stitching pals and I have a saying......"looks good from top of the bridge"....and I can live with that.
I have finished up and framed the Christmas Tree Farm. I am really proud I tackled this one since I feared it so for so long. I think it was all the pages of instructions. I framed it myself with the frame I ordered from Joanne's. I didn't use glass because this will only be out over the holidays and it will be wrapped and stored the rest of the year.
Ma and Pa on their way home |
I love the cardinals! |
I did the finishing on Icelandic Christmas. I originally fell in love with the cute little cover picture of the kit finishing but then I got to thinking......hmmmm.....what about a more carry-along friendly little set? I pulled out a pattern for the 'snap' purse and put my thinking cap on. I used the design section intended for the pocket on the purse. I took the different smalls and repurposed them. It is by far, not a perfect finish but I had already cut the linen per the instructions for the smalls before I decided on finishing it this way so I had to work with what I had. Overall I am happy with it because 1.) it is a finished finish and 2.) because I got to use the snap purse pattern that has been in my stash for quite some time.
Don't look too close. My first attempt at free motion quilting. |
The snowflakes are from my card making stash |
I have been trying to get in a few stitched each morning to finish up Witchy Washy. I have a class with Jeannette Douglas at Sturbridge, MA in July and really want to have this project done before I dive full speed ahead into a class piece. I am beginning to really like this working on one project at and time and crossing off more than I am adding to the list. Basket done and ready to start work on the second tree now.
I was trying to decide what color sequins to decorate the witch's
bloomers and I decided to mix it up |
So that's what I have been up to and why I haven't been seen a lot......next up, see how I am painting a rug on my deck! Mr. W. hits the road this week and I will have all my time at home dedicated to crafting for the next 6 to 8 weeks. Once I get a dry week and can stain the deck out comes the painters tape and my rug painting idea. Pix will definitely follow but I really do want to cross some things off the list before adding yet another project! Squirrel....I am so easily distracted by anything new and crafty that passes before my eyes.....