Much to the chagrin of others, I actually love snow! Love, love, love it. So pretty. The world is pure and clean and ever so quiet. I love the rosy cheeks you get when you take a walk (or shovel snow) in the cold. But enough....
I did tossed aside Oscar Wao's Brief Wonderous Life. Just couldn't get into it. Instead picked up Orphan Train. A quick and enjoyable read. What hardship and horrors these children who were orphans in the 1930's faced. I never knew they loaded them on trains and took them out west only to be adopted by farmers looking for ranch hands or families looking for a mother's helper.
I signed up on Goodreads to read 12 books this year and I am already at 7 and it is not yet March. Guess I'd better up that challenge next year. Hmmmmm, maybe that is where my time has been going.
Buddy thought he wanted to go out.
He didn't make it very far.

Seems like I have had a slow stitching start for 2015 but I finally can show some progress.
This is Lizzie Kate's Mystery Sampler - Things Unseen. No spoilers here since I have seen others post the COMPLETED sampler. Yeah for me, I finished Part I. I didn't looked at Parts II and III when I received them as I wanted to hold the 'mystery' as long as possible. I ran amok a bit and mixed symbols and colors in a couple places but I am not frogging so I guess it puts my stamp on it. No worries that I saw Sally posted her completed sampler on Salty Yarns blog......I have the memory of a goldfish, or about 3 seconds, so as quickly I as saw it and enjoyed it, I forgot it. Planning to start Part II this week.

This is my first PS Santa and I have about 4 or 5 more waiting in the wings. I am not sure how I will be finishing it.

I think the pocket will be perfect for stowing my room key or cell phone when on a retreat.
I dug through my stash to look for a charm to add. I can't decide on one of the bees or the bird. I just love finding a trinket in my stash that I can use....something I saved just waiting for that perfect piece to add it to. Kind of helps justify what could be classified as 'craft hoarding'!
That about wraps it up for now. More snow in today's forecast! Happy stitching all!