Tossing and turning trying to set my schedule in my head of when to do what to make sure it is all done by the time the kiddos get here. And why? It always gets done and so what if they have to throw in with helping with a pie or peeling potatoes.
So the result of my insomnia, I have been watching Season 1 and most of Season 2 of Masterpiece Theater's Poldark, (I never knew the receipt of the gift of woolen stockings could be so sexy!) and stitching a bit on Miss Mary Mack. But the wee hours of the morning stitching are bittersweet. Progress has been made but seems my border across the bottom is two threads off. Amazing that counting to two and following a pattern can be so trying at times. So some stitch therapy of stitch a re-stitch.
And last but not least, pattern update on Corsica River. I neglected to post yesterday with pre-stitch-a-long info. Bear with me folks, I'll get there. I think I have finalized a schedule for completion and it is very lenient but alas I scanned it at work and didn't email it home to myself. Further evidence your acuity decreases with lack of sleep! When calculating the schedule I kept in mind that other things come along and this stitch-a-long is meant for pleasure not pressure. Here's a tip, I know you can order hanks of floss which are larger and less expensive than skeins and something you may wish to consider. I am also considering launching a Facebook Group for the stitch-a-long.....could be another delusion from the lack of sleep that I wish to take on yet another internet adventure.
Enjoy your Thanksgivings my fellow statesmen, wishing you much good food and fellowship with friends and family.