So, compared to others, it may not seem like a lot but for little old me who seems to spend more time in driving a car somewhere then I do stitching, I am pleased with my multi-project progress.
First, I finished my EGA Christmas Tree from the December 2017 NeedleArts Magazine. This was done as a guild project. A great way to introduce canvas work to those of us who haven't done it before
It was supposed to have a different star but I put it in such a safe place that I now can't find it. Maybe I'll do a little recon before finishing this. I think I want to finish as an easel finish. Just need an uninterrupted evening to do it.
I managed to finish the witch's dress and add a bit of her flaming red hair. I've had lunch meetings and lunch dates this week and since this it is my lunchtime stitch, not much time has been devoted to her. Hopefully, this week I can finish her up and (maybe) start the fourth of the series.
Lastly, this is Hands On Design Block Party "Mend" This is what I took with me to Atlanta. I managed to get a boatload of the tape measure done since there was no thought or counting involved. Five stitches up, five stitches down. I am including this in my EGA Rotation Challenge that starts in October. Since the projects can be WIP's or new it doesn't matter that I started it. It is going really fast.
I passed on working on the tomato pin cushion as it would need a little more counting and concentrating than the airport setting allowed.
Got some fun little wool kits to do. Love the strawberries. When finished, the piece is above 3 inches by 7 inches and I already have the stand it hangs from.

So that's it for me. This week the suitcase is coming out again for me to start packing. I am heading to Ocean City MD Thursday morning for my semi-annual guild retreat. It is always fun, good times, good friends, good food, adult beverages and being at the beach. Hopefully, I will not be 'the winner' AGAIN! with my tally of purchases from Salty Yarns. For now, today is the second day of absolutely gorgeous weather here on the east coast. I am heading outside to deadhead some plants, pull out other plants and get the yard ready for winter.
Thanks for stopping by and.....keep on stitching!
*Update* hmmm, that safe place I believed I put the star for the Christmas tree.....uncovered.
I don't know if I will take off what I put on originally or not. I like the shiny gold start but I don't know if the size of it is the right proportion. There's time to decide. Finishing is not on my list this week.