.....Random rants on my life, cross stitch, crafting, family and ridiculous events of my life.
September 30, 2020
September 24, 2020
Sometimes there is no answer....
I made progress on Raegan’s stocking. I am saving the hair for last since it consists of french knots and a detached braid. I don't want to smash the stitches as I roll it on the scroll bars. I am more than half way done. I need to shop my buttons, beads and charms to find some good ones to attach.
I picked up my EGA project, a Terri Bey Lotus Box. I worked on it one weekend in June and put it down while I waited for #8 perle cotton. The perle cotton arrived but I didn’t pick the project up. Now I need to get busy. The pattern was intimidating but I am pleasantly surprised how easy it is to follow the well-written instructions. We have a zoom meeting in October to learn how to assemble it. I understand assembly will be similar to putting together a biscournu.
I have done as much as I plan to this fall.....famous last words. On the right side of the brick path I planted over 100 daffodil and iris bulbs, three mums and periwinkle ground cover. The cool thing is the bulbs were found from other gardens around my yard and my daughter's gardens and were originally from my father's garden. Is that possible they could be 40 years old and still viable? I think planting bulbs is my favorite planting......I love the anticipation of them coming up when you are in the doldrums of winter. The periwinkle is from existing gardens and also was originally from my father's flower beds. I bought the mums for a great fall pop of color.
To complete the right hand side, from where have finished to back to the three line, I plan to clear, plant some ferns, more periwinkle and a favorite, some bleeding hearts next spring. I've never had a good shady area I could plant them; now I do. Then this side will be done which will be about 1/4 of the area. I will gradually work towards the left, adding shrubs and low maintenance paintings. Again, this is going to be a several-summer-endeavor. This time last year, this was nothing but a 75 foot fallen oak blocking the entire overgrowth of vines and briars. Good thing I really really really enjoy yard work.
So that's all I've got. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe, healthy and keep on stitching.
September 23, 2020
September 16, 2020
September 10, 2020
Here I go again....
off onto the a different track......this time it is a purposeful side-track......
......have you ever just looked around and seen a couple of things out of place in each room you enter? I am self aware enough to know that when I start to get that overwhelmed-crazy, out-of-sorts, something-is-amiss-but-I-don't-know-what feeling, it is because I need a good ole sort out and pick up session. It is some kind of unconscious weight on my shoulders. It started when I pulled out all the tubs for the fall decorations. I know there will always be a mess when changing out the decor from season to season. But I just had to give myself with a firm talking to that I needed to 'pick up' before I launched yet-another-project. You know, complete one task before you start another. What a concept! Those couple of things here and there quickly turned into what seemed to be half-a-hundred.
It's not that I don't straighten up and clean each week but I have been so bent on getting outside to enjoy the weather, the pool and yard I admit I have been maybe doing the minimum. I needed to put the brakes on. I told myself use what works - touch it once and handle and a half-hour tops. I intended to just do my stitching area and stuff. Somehow I moved to baseboards, ceiling fan blades, the stack of mail on my desk, removed seat cushions and so on. Threads and needles, bits and bobs out of place, goldfish crackers and Fisher-Price little people under the cushions with a couple pairs of scissors, a pile of mail on the desk reviewed, so two hours later, I felt good. Family room is cleaned and I can move onto something I want to do without guilt.
For stitching I have put all my concentration on The Women of the Mayflower sampler by Brenda Gervais. Today is Day 5 of 66. This is such a fun SAL. The premise is to stitch daily from September 6 to November 5, 2020 to commemorate the sailing of the Mayflower. There are FB groups and Instagram groups and everyone is sharing and supportive. Brenda has a great start-up video on the private FB group and was so adorable dressed up like a Pilgrim. And she is sending out questions to answer for give-aways.
Brenda encouraged us that while we are stitching on this sampler to think about what these women went through. Imagine, sailing to the unknown, being able to only take along only what would fit in one trunk, (think carefully - no Amazon to order from once you arrive), knowing you will never see again the people you have left behind, being on the sea in cramped quarters......66 days and having no idea if you will make it or not.........surely no creature comforts.......I don't know if I could have ventured into the unknown as they did. It makes me even more grateful for everything I have within my reach even during a pandemic!
My plan was to keep up by stitching 6 rows a day. Operative word being 'plan'. Day 2, I went amok. I saw where someone else did the border down to the waves, completed the waves and then would be working up from the waves for the ship. Made sense to me so I changed my approach.
I am looking forward to fall weather so I can get back out in my yard and do some damage. I have a lot I want to get cleared still and spring bulbs to get in.
And I almost forgot I got two pieces of Happy Mail yesterday. I did forget one was coming; and the other was a real surprise. First I joined the Fat Quarter Shop Quarterly Cross Stitch Club way back at the end of May. I joined too late for the last quarterly mailing and completely forgot it was time for the next quarter's mailing. Like I need anything else but it is so fun to get mail. Look how adorable this was packed in a fall themed stitching bag. Inside it was full of all the goodies needed to complete the pattern. The fabric provided is 10-ct Aida so this will stitch up into a nice pillow!
The other was a Post Card from Germany from the CEO of the Company I worked for and I was excited about that one too! It made me remember when I was in Germany. I remember how clean the cities were and beautiful their gardens were. Of course I am sure the tour only took us to the best places. I did text her a reply but it is not the same as the effort someone puts in to real mail. I will have to get a card in the mail to her maybe to some other friends as well to put a smile on their faces.
I just love getting snail mail.
Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe, stay healthy and keep on stitching.
Remember of all the things you can be, be kind. 😊
September 9, 2020
September 6, 2020
Back and forth.....what do i do? It has been probably one of only two best run of days for weather that we have had all summer. I know I need to finish Ornaments ala Round but the yard and beautiful weather was calling me....stay in/go out, stitch/do yard work....decisions, decisions.
So I split the baby so to speak. I took my needlework outside. It was great to just glide back and forth in my hanging chair, listen to the birds chirping and the wind rustling the trees and wind chimes....oh and the lawnmower in the distance but even that sound created a sense of normality. But there is one problem with this situation. I closed my burning eyes for just a second and was so comfy I feel asleep listening to the breeze. It really was heavenly.
I watched some floss tube videos while I stitched. It is overwhelming to see how many videos you are behind with the little YouTube icon every time I open my phone or iPad.
So folks that’s where I am this Labor Day 2020 Weekend. Always a list of projects at hand as well as in the queue. For me today, I am heading outside to enjoy the weather after applying the bug spray!
September 2, 2020
My kingdom for my own bed.
Willy played his tissue box guitar with Uncle Choo Choo Miki. AKA Mike who works for Amtrak.
Needless to say, minimal stitching going on and no purposeful walking happening this past week.
Here is how far I am or rather how close I am on Ornaments ala Round. Just this corner to finish. A half branch, a half gingerbread man and a full branch and that is it. I plan to concentrate on this and nothing else between now and Labor Day weekend because I want it out of the way for the start of Coming to American on September 6th.
I was finally able to score one of the kits for the companion project bag for Coming to America from Brenda Gervais of With Thy Needle and Thread. Every time I had looked, it was out of stock. I remembered after I went to bed on the 29th that the 29th was the day they were to be back in stock so I shot out of bed, scrambled for my credit card in the middle of the night to order it and the others were all sitting with a little late night chatting and looked at me like.....what is she doing? My daughter got it, she's a crafter; the others did not.
Progress on Raegan's stocking is minimal as well.
I did have a new start as you need a small carry along piece. This is "ye old crow sampler" by Heart in Hand. It is charted for all black but I am switching it up with some orange for the pumpkin and green for the vines using whatever I have in stash. The photo does not represent the fabric well. It is 32 Carnival/Belfast and much more orange than it appears.
When I left my son's I brought back an extra package with me......my grandson. He did great being away from home the first time. We went in the pool, played games, played trains, played Legos, went to the playground, and went to the aquarium.