First the important part ~ or ~ The Good!
I am pleased with my progress on my Friendship Puzzle Purse. OMG! Makes me wonder why I had this little gem sitting in my want-to-do-someday basket for so long.
Now for ~ The Bad
This is Day IV of the i-Challenge and I think I am going to fall off the wagon already! I run through periods of insomnia and this week has been one of them. Waking after 3 or 4 hours of sleep in what I will try to convince is my anticipation to stitch......more likely because my mind won't stop running through the mental lists in my head.
This is what I had planned to start today - it is a wool project of appliqued pears onto a pillow. It is a small stitchy thing and I thought I'd mix it up a bit with different fabrics and fibers.....possibly a stretch. It is almost 11 p.m. and I haven't started because............

Enter Mr. Wonderful again and his assistance. I have to preface this that I do appreciate his help and his willingness to sit and work with me but tonight was not the night. When I go through my day and plan my evening's work as I commute home, I know the evening will consist of a lite dinner and our *quality time* which is each of us in our chairs, the iPod playing oldies and we chat. I might be reading or stitching. He might be surfing the Internet or playing a game. This happens every night for an hour and I have grown used to this pastime with Mr. W. It only lasts an hour because Mr. W. goes to bed at 8 and then all bets are off.......I go to my sewing room, I watch crazy reality shows, I watch old movies or tonight my plan was to do some financial reports for a Board Meeting tomorrow night. Imagine my aggravation when Mr. W. wanted to do some more tweaking and downloading and syncing on my iPad! To add insult to injury, we worked at this until 9 p.m. What! no turning into a pumpkin because he missed his bedtime? One must understand the before Mr. W. was Mr. Wonderful he was Mr. Nasty-Man and since the aliens have come to this planet and implanted themselves into his body - the only explanation since it still looks like him but certainly doesn't seem to be the man I was married to for the first 28 years - it is hard to not want to work with him and heaven knows I really don't want to discourage him. I feel bad because he went to bed well aware of my frustration.
So enter ~ The Ugly

my Board is not that I haven't been working on the paperwork for tomorrow's meeting it is that I wear too many hats for the organization. How does Secretary/Treasurer/Webmaster/Grant Writer/Membership Chair/Flyer creator sound? I have spent the last two weeks working on final reports for the 2010 Grant and revised budgets for the 2011 Grant and haven't done much else as far as my paperwork. My flyer/mailer for the spring events is complete, my minutes are done, all the checks written, the checkbook balanced but I still have two financial reports and a final draft of the 2011 budget to complete and the updates to the website to make. I am not looking for sympathy because believe me I know that I should be hit over the head with that stupid arm of mine that raises up in the air and volunteers! I am into total justifying of why I haven't stitched today. It has nothing to do with poor planning on my part......never! What, not blog and stitch instead, well I thought of that but I so wanted to share my progress from yesterday! Besides it is therapeutic to let the words flow out of your brain, down your arms and be released out of your fingertips. That my story and I am sticking to it.
So this is what I have decided, since I get up at the b--- crack of dawn, I believe I am pouring myself a nightcap, heading to bed hoping to put the final numbers in place when I am fresh in the morning and vowing that between now and Sunday night I will have stitched two new projects in one day to get myself back on track. And just think, the Block of the Month Club starts tomorrow. LOL I love a challenge.