I've got to do something here. The menopause pounds, the quitting smoking pounds and the need to help justify the hours spend on the internet which has comtributed to the lack of physical activity.....need I say more. Face it, cross stitching does not exactly keep one in shape. I log in everyday to check email, update my website, check blog posts, look at ebay sales, window shop at cross stitch sites and why not obligate myself to log in a record my treadmill progress? I need to get my incentive somewhere so if it is because others are watching is what it takes, here goes. Watch carefully for if I faulter........I just might delete this section. For now, I will list the date, the distance and the time I walk. I do not plan to walk everyday but plan to walk more days than not. If anyone wants to join in, please just add a comment to this post. I will add your name, date, time and distance on the sidebar with mine. As Bugs Bunny would do, let hope I don't end up in Pismo Beach. Remembering that each journey starts with a single step here goes.
10/30 30 minutes 1.55 miles
.....Random rants on my life, cross stitch, crafting, family and ridiculous events of my life.
October 30, 2009
October 28, 2009
Great Weekend
The view on the interstate - foilage was much prettier than it looks
The sky was so pretty. So BLUE it almost hurt the eyes!
The upside of the Walt Whitman Bridge
The city in the distance from the Walt Whitman. Click on the pic and you can
see IKEA through the hand rails. A favorite store!
The city from the Schukyll Expressway
On my way home, Kelly Drive near Hunting Park
There is a statue of a man on a horse in the center of the shot.
Not sure how I managed to get this centered to perfectly. It is a statue of what appears to be Athen's wrestler. The Schullkyll is in the background. As always they were sculling and you can see them to the right.
Cool stone trusses for the train bridge. I almost want to hold my breath
for fear four cars wide won't fit at the same time.
Nice view as I get on the Vine Street Expressway
The Vine Street Expressway
The Ben Franklin Bridge - the trains run right next to the car lanes.
Cool view for both the car passenger and the train passenger.
The Ben Franklin Bridge
A few years ago they discovered subway stations that were built in the uprights but apparently closed or never used. WOW!
Triple A Ball Park, Camden NJ
Oh yeah, and we crafted in between my commute to and from.
PS 11 p.m. @#$^^$@$!!!! Why is uploading photos sometimes impossible!!! And of course I deleted them off my camera. I will try again tomorrow by emailing them to myself and uploading from my laptop!
PS Duh! Why not just download them on to my Cruzer stick and then upload. Works like a charm! I need to do a little rearranging but at least I got them uploaded and labeled!
October 27, 2009
I need to make a decision
It is the economy? maybe...... I put out a Pay It Forward and have not gotten any interest. I got me wondering if it is economics. I listed I would name winners this weekend and so far no takers. I don't want to not do my obligation (as a PIF winner!!) and not continue with the pay it forward concept but I think I may be pulling my offer until the spring. I guess there is not a timeline for me to actually offer the PIF other than within 365 days. Yeah, that's what I am doing. Moving out for 6 months. I have a Blogoversary coming up and that will generate more traffic and perhaps followers so check out my PIF in April 2010! What I have bought so far certainly won't spoil. lol! This whole economic depression hit just as the last of the kids moved out so while $$'s are tight the utilities and food bill are lower. That's not to say I am rolling around on a bed of money either. We have tightened our belts like everyone. Those 30 minutes showers kids take! Putting a shirt in the dryer for 10 minutes to get the wrinkles out! Not to mention their ravenous appetites. I actually have a half quart of milk that will spoil vs. the gallon a day consumed previously. If you have kids, you know what I mean.
So that's it. I made the decision. Stay tuned for a Pay It Forward in April 2010. Hmmm, that may even give my time to stitch a little something something to include.......may give me time.
So that's it. I made the decision. Stay tuned for a Pay It Forward in April 2010. Hmmm, that may even give my time to stitch a little something something to include.......may give me time.
October 25, 2009
Comment Moderation
I am so hopelessly computer illiterate! I turned on the little "Comment Moderation" thingie that means I have to approve comments before they are posted which is a good thing. Problem is I didn't know I did it or how or when. See, that is the computer illiterate part......the part that appartently goes on these happy clicking binges and doesn't know what she has turned off or on. Anyway, I am glad I did it and had wondered how to do it when I got the message on ther posted......comments will be reviewed by the moderator before posting......
October 24, 2009
A good evening
hard to imagine if no stitching was involved.....met my brother and road together to pick up our sister and we all went to dinner to celebrate his birthday. No matter where we went because it could have been a hot dog stand. The point is we were together. We laughed until we cried, seriously. After dinner we went to the movies. We saw "Where the wild things are" and all I can say is....it was goofy. I thought it was a kids movie along the lines of Bridge to Taribithia or similar. Maybe it was a kids movie but......I had the feeling it might make more sense if you were high......or that in years to come we will find out that it has some sort of counter culture following with hidden meanings. Remember Peter Paul and Mary and that majic dragon? There was a message to the movie but it was still goofy. No matter, we still laughed and ejnoyed each others company and had a great evening.
I'm off to work
Yes it is a Saturday and I am (supposed) to be a M-F/9 to 5er. Now that's a hoot. Anyway, off to work today is all on me. The past couple of months I have reigned in the extra hours but alas the work backs up. Somedays I feel like a ball in a pinball machine bouncing about and not really doing a heck of a lot. This week has been a series of those days. I figure I can get three days worth of work done on a Saturday morning because I will be there only one there!!! That pile of undone items prays on me and starts to seep into my senses and gets me down. So before I start to freak out about it, in I will go. This is a triple play though for me.......I need to take my Jeannette Douglas Pineapple stitches to the
framer. This is not the best picture but it is what I have as my desktop background on my laptop. I completed it almost two years ago, rolled it in tissue paper and put is with the other completed but not finished pieces. I had it with me yesterday and intended to stop in on my lunch hour but stuff came up. It wasn't a big deal to delay my trip one more day after 22 months! I will also be doing some stash enhancement today. Criss Cross Row, internet shop, is having a sidewalk sale at a local yarn shop. Unfortunately Martha C. who ran that shop has decided it is time to close. This was my motivation a few weeks back to sort and organize my stash and make my spreadsheet of fabrics needed. The past few years for Martha C. have been filled with her husband's illness and passing. If not from Criss Cross Row, you may know her from The (successful) Academy of Needlework event she held in Newark DE a couple of years back. My guild, Delaware Valley Historical Sampler, which she is one of the founders, keeps the members informed on her status. Anyway, I will be heading there after I leave work to stock up on fabrics, fibers and the like. I will make sure I pick up items for my Blogoversary give away that is coming up and for the PIF I have posted. After shopping, an early dinner with my sister and brother for his birthday......then home to stitch away the evening and play and fiddle with my new purchases. PS. I have one finish this week that I will post tomorrow and maybe if I am good tonight, I will have two to post tomorrow!!!
October 21, 2009
Pay it forward
Random acts of kindness are the best. To do things with no motive or hope for any personal gain is truly selfless. Have you ever done something nice for someone without expecting something in return? Or, has someone done something for you just because? Didn't it make you feel warm inside? That is the premise behind paying it forward. When something good happens to you to share that good fortune and good feeling with someone else is to pay it forward.

In the spirit of PIF'ing, Meari of Meari's Musings offered to Pay It Forward. I thought it sounded like fun, so I commented to her post and said please count me in.....and I was one of her lucky winners. It is now my turn to Pay It Foward! It is easy. No sewing involved, and I have have 365 days to send out my Pay It Forwards surprises.
To Pay It Forward here's what you need to do:
1. Send no less than 5 stitching related items per person within the next 365 days.
2. Items can be DMC, other threads, stitching needles, straight pins, buttons, scissors, ribbons, etc. - a combination of items such as 3 threads, 1 pack of straight pins and 1 pack of stitching needles or just 5 threads.
3. The items must be new and not used. Send things you would be happy to receive.
4. If you win, you must be willing to post this PIF on your blog and do the same for at least 2 people.
To be included in my Pay It Forward -
I'm going to draw for three winners. If you are interested in Paying It Forward, please comment on this post. Feel free to tell your friends too. Remember you have to be willing to reciprocate on your blog. If there are more than three comments, the names will go into a drawing to determine the winners. I'll announce the PIF receipients Halloween weekend and you can reply at that time with your email address. Good Luck All!
PS I am just as excited to do the planning and the shopping.
If you haven't seen the movie, put it in your Netflix que and get out the tissues.

In the spirit of PIF'ing, Meari of Meari's Musings offered to Pay It Forward. I thought it sounded like fun, so I commented to her post and said please count me in.....and I was one of her lucky winners. It is now my turn to Pay It Foward! It is easy. No sewing involved, and I have have 365 days to send out my Pay It Forwards surprises.
To Pay It Forward here's what you need to do:
1. Send no less than 5 stitching related items per person within the next 365 days.
2. Items can be DMC, other threads, stitching needles, straight pins, buttons, scissors, ribbons, etc. - a combination of items such as 3 threads, 1 pack of straight pins and 1 pack of stitching needles or just 5 threads.
3. The items must be new and not used. Send things you would be happy to receive.
4. If you win, you must be willing to post this PIF on your blog and do the same for at least 2 people.
To be included in my Pay It Forward -
I'm going to draw for three winners. If you are interested in Paying It Forward, please comment on this post. Feel free to tell your friends too. Remember you have to be willing to reciprocate on your blog. If there are more than three comments, the names will go into a drawing to determine the winners. I'll announce the PIF receipients Halloween weekend and you can reply at that time with your email address. Good Luck All!
PS I am just as excited to do the planning and the shopping.
If you haven't seen the movie, put it in your Netflix que and get out the tissues.
October 20, 2009
I wasn't even going to log in this morning. I thought a better way to spend the next 45 minutes before I start to get ready for work would be to stitch. But the laptop is sitting here beckoning and alas I have no will power over it.
I am so happy that after a quick check of emails for verify meetings and dinner dates, I jumped to my blog. What a pleasant surprise to see some fantastic news today..... that I was picked by Meari on her PIF (Pay it forward) blog post! How cool. I can't remember when I won anything. Maybe an office 50/50 but this is better. It's stuff! I will receive 5 stitching related items in the next 365 days. I will have to check out the rules and see if they all are to be sent at once or spread out over the year. This is fun and imagine how exciting to come home from work and find a surprise in the mail.
Now it's my turn to give it to three other people!
I'm gonna be drawing for three people to do this for. Please watch for my post with instructions. Remember you have to be willing to reciprocate on your blog.
If you haven't seen the movie, put it in your Netflix que and get out the tissues.
I am so happy that after a quick check of emails for verify meetings and dinner dates, I jumped to my blog. What a pleasant surprise to see some fantastic news today..... that I was picked by Meari on her PIF (Pay it forward) blog post! How cool. I can't remember when I won anything. Maybe an office 50/50 but this is better. It's stuff! I will receive 5 stitching related items in the next 365 days. I will have to check out the rules and see if they all are to be sent at once or spread out over the year. This is fun and imagine how exciting to come home from work and find a surprise in the mail.
Now it's my turn to give it to three other people!
I'm gonna be drawing for three people to do this for. Please watch for my post with instructions. Remember you have to be willing to reciprocate on your blog.
If you haven't seen the movie, put it in your Netflix que and get out the tissues.
October 19, 2009
The news is talking FROST! Boy I wish I were retired and could just snuggle and stitch away the day. But alas I need to go to work to pay for my (stitching) addiction. Wishing all a good week and happy stitching.
October 18, 2009
Blog Frog
This is pretty cool. Check out the new widget in my sidebar: A Blog Frog! It's a fun thing. I think it is neat to see who's been visiting and it gives props to your blog when you visit mine. If you like it, you can add the widget to your blog! You check out mine, then I can check out yours. hmmmm, now that sounds a little dirty. lol
(Near) Finishes
Rain rain and more rain!
I can't believe it is raining again or rather still raining along the mid-atlantic. My poor daughters came from opposite directions each traveling a couple of hundred miles to meet in Rhinebeck for the Sheep and Wool Festival. I am sure they are having fun even if the weather is not agreeable. I can't complain about the weather while I sit all comfy in my pj's by the fire. I am thankful I don't have to travel as they do and will feel better when they each reach their respective homes and states.
October 17, 2009
I pulled out the junk door this morning or rather I should say I tried to pull it out. Or course it would not open all the way and the decision was instantly made to drop all I was doing and have a grand sort out of the imfamous junk draw. We all have one, some of us have more than one. And my children will tell you the grand sort outs in our house never turn out well. When the kids were younger the sort outs of their rooms took longer than the patience allowed. Unfortunately if your room was last you regretted it.
First I got rid of the trash - yes trash - candy wrappers, etc. and I must add the cabinet the houses the trash can in directly below the junk drawer. Someone must have had only enough energy to open the drawer and was apparently not strong enough to open the cabinet and pull out the trash can.
I separated all like things and proceeded to put all the nail clippers and files in the victorian flower tin in the bathroom that first housed these things in my mother's bathroom when I was a child and now has a place in my bath. I put all the rubber bands on the magnetic hook on the side of the fridge; all the cough drops were relagated to the tupperware container in the pantry with all the others; and the extreme amount of change ~ not~ all 52 cents went into the rosewood bowl that sits on my dresser waiting for more change. I now know where all the tape is (5 rolls); I have enough lip balm for the winter (5 tubes); and more safety pins then I knew were in my house. I did leave one little compartment for the stray puzzle pieces, little green men and the extra dice for that critical time one is lost.
This got me going. I set off to my walk in closet in my bedroom to switchout the summer and winter clothes; to make a mending pile; to sort like things; get rid of the hopelessly stained; and hopefully I will even part with things that I truly know in my heart that my fat a$$ will never fit into again but I keep because nothing is wrong with them but the fit of course. [Right now I am taking a time out from the mess I created.]
This must be a fall thing. Last weekend I sorted the two cabinets housing canned goods, juices, pastas, and condiments and the other where the crackers, chips and cookies are. I found I had three of the same jelly, a giant jar of peanut butter that without the kids are home I won't use in two years time; two boxes of vanilla wafers among others things that I bagged up and sent home with my son.
There is just something about things being where they belong. When Monday to Friday we are so busy with the rat race I need to be able to not waste time searching for things. ....less time looking for things kind of equates to more time to stitch that way I see it.
October 14, 2009
My blogoversary is coming up and I have to think of a giveaway. Time to search my stash and see what I have and what I can get together. I know I have fabric and fibers and leaflets. I wanted to go to Lancaster this weekend to the Stitching Jubliee but don't think I will make it. I will try to put something together and get it launched this weekend. Stay tuned!
October 11, 2009
Yikes! Ebay boo boo
I thought I was only looking and I thought I only went to the next screen to have a look see. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. So imagine my surprise to open up my hotmail account with an ebay mail that I just purchased something! Well, it was one of those 'buy it now' so I guess that is what happened. That and watching TV and listening to my husband blabbing at the same time. All is not lost because I got a great deal on Item # 250431614860... The Jeannette Douglas, My Stitching Treasures. I wanted it anyway. But after just sorting my stash I swore off buying anything. I guess I am meant to have it!
Sign of the seasons changing
I like all seasons. Each has an element that I start to crave as I grow tired of the current season. Like so many things as I grow older, the pages on the calendar seem to fly off and bring the change of the seasons without me knowing what happened to the last one.
I rode through town on Friday on my way to work rather then jumping on the interstate. I had to stop at the gas station on my way in. Lou's Sunoco. OMG Lou's has been there since I was a child. I remember growing up and Lou was in the National Guard with my brother-in-law but I digress. Lou still works everyday and pumps gas when the lines are long. And they are frequently for he has the best price. As I road through the tiny village (seriously) where my elementary school used to be before it was torn down and a credit was put in it place, I passed the park where we had our school picnics. The township road department was there preparing to install the roll upon roll of snow fence. I don't want to assume everyone knows what snow fences are so I will take my camera to work one morning and stop to photograph these harbingers of winter. Snow fences are typically temporary fences erected along open roads where wind could cause drifting during snow storms. I'm thinking it may be a bit early but I guess the road department has it on their calendar and know what they are doing.
As I proceeding to the bridge I was greeted by another sure sign winter is not far behind. The grass cutters were out cutting all the wild flowers down in preparing for winter. At lot of the approaches, medians and cloverleaves on the interstate are teeming with wild flowers rather than grass. A pretty ingenious idea I think. No care, all self-seeding and it drastically reduces the amount of grass to be cut and saving the township and state money man hours spent cutting the grass. It is beautiful to see everyday as I travel to work. The cosmos, shasta daisies, black-eyed susans and more, all waving and moving in the breeze. Now gone and soon too be roadways lined with snow fences.
I rode through town on Friday on my way to work rather then jumping on the interstate. I had to stop at the gas station on my way in. Lou's Sunoco. OMG Lou's has been there since I was a child. I remember growing up and Lou was in the National Guard with my brother-in-law but I digress. Lou still works everyday and pumps gas when the lines are long. And they are frequently for he has the best price. As I road through the tiny village (seriously) where my elementary school used to be before it was torn down and a credit was put in it place, I passed the park where we had our school picnics. The township road department was there preparing to install the roll upon roll of snow fence. I don't want to assume everyone knows what snow fences are so I will take my camera to work one morning and stop to photograph these harbingers of winter. Snow fences are typically temporary fences erected along open roads where wind could cause drifting during snow storms. I'm thinking it may be a bit early but I guess the road department has it on their calendar and know what they are doing.
As I proceeding to the bridge I was greeted by another sure sign winter is not far behind. The grass cutters were out cutting all the wild flowers down in preparing for winter. At lot of the approaches, medians and cloverleaves on the interstate are teeming with wild flowers rather than grass. A pretty ingenious idea I think. No care, all self-seeding and it drastically reduces the amount of grass to be cut and saving the township and state money man hours spent cutting the grass. It is beautiful to see everyday as I travel to work. The cosmos, shasta daisies, black-eyed susans and more, all waving and moving in the breeze. Now gone and soon too be roadways lined with snow fences.
October 9, 2009
Guild Meeting
Got a guild meeting in the morning that I am looking forward to. We are have a guest lecturer in to talk about civil war attire. Her presentation is the "Under the Petticoat Tour". I have known the lecturer for 30+ years but never seen her performance. I hope I remember to take my camera!
Update - I forgot my camera in the last minute flurry to get out the door but I have the website of the group who did the lecture. http://www.grandoakplantation.com/index.html
Update - I forgot my camera in the last minute flurry to get out the door but I have the website of the group who did the lecture. http://www.grandoakplantation.com/index.html
October 8, 2009
Karma Gods have aligned
Sometimes it takes months or even years but eventually all the planets align and all is right in the world (of work). Never mind how ancient history and my own desire to please got me into the overwhelmed work load place where I am today.
I sometimes think it is almost a sign of societal times. I am extremely confused about how anyone can take a job and then say there are certain aspects of the job description they don't/won't do. I mean what's up with that? Isn't it that the person is to learn the job and not the job is to change to match the person? The apathy some workers have towards work that is. Ever notice the sales people that act like they are doing you a favor waiting on you? Hello! I pay your salary!!! If I didn't shop in your store, they would not need to have you here paying you to take care of me.
Anyway, the adage is true if you want something done, give it to a busy person and that I am guessing, in part, that is how I got extra 'jobs'. But is that really fair to the busy person? A busy person has no more skills that then the next person. Does the busy person just have the better work ethic? It's no big deal. No maliciousness. Sometimes self-imposed. It just happens while you strive to keep things going in the midst of change. But it is another straw on way to breaking the proverbial back.
Times they are a changing........two of the meetings I routinely cover are being re-routed to the appropriate departments and a major tracking report is moving to the appropriate department. It's simple, if you had to do a report on widgets and didn't work with widgets but worked with gizmos instead, doesn't it make sense for the widget worker to do the widget report? This is all such a relief. It is very debilitating to come home ever day, week after week, month after month with more on the backlog list than when you started the day. It is paralyzing to be in the grips an insurmountable list of to-dos. It really makes you question your ability and sometimes your sanity. These changes could means about 8 hours of work per week which is about the average extra time I put in each week. Some may think.....WaHoo! OT.....not a chance. I am a salaried employee.
I am watching the orbits carefully hoping I have not jinxed anything but two of the three are already in the works and the third is my choice when to implement so I feel good "da na da na da na" (imagining Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire singing with the dinosaurs.......). Life is good!
I sometimes think it is almost a sign of societal times. I am extremely confused about how anyone can take a job and then say there are certain aspects of the job description they don't/won't do. I mean what's up with that? Isn't it that the person is to learn the job and not the job is to change to match the person? The apathy some workers have towards work that is. Ever notice the sales people that act like they are doing you a favor waiting on you? Hello! I pay your salary!!! If I didn't shop in your store, they would not need to have you here paying you to take care of me.
Anyway, the adage is true if you want something done, give it to a busy person and that I am guessing, in part, that is how I got extra 'jobs'. But is that really fair to the busy person? A busy person has no more skills that then the next person. Does the busy person just have the better work ethic? It's no big deal. No maliciousness. Sometimes self-imposed. It just happens while you strive to keep things going in the midst of change. But it is another straw on way to breaking the proverbial back.
Times they are a changing........two of the meetings I routinely cover are being re-routed to the appropriate departments and a major tracking report is moving to the appropriate department. It's simple, if you had to do a report on widgets and didn't work with widgets but worked with gizmos instead, doesn't it make sense for the widget worker to do the widget report? This is all such a relief. It is very debilitating to come home ever day, week after week, month after month with more on the backlog list than when you started the day. It is paralyzing to be in the grips an insurmountable list of to-dos. It really makes you question your ability and sometimes your sanity. These changes could means about 8 hours of work per week which is about the average extra time I put in each week. Some may think.....WaHoo! OT.....not a chance. I am a salaried employee.
I am watching the orbits carefully hoping I have not jinxed anything but two of the three are already in the works and the third is my choice when to implement so I feel good "da na da na da na" (imagining Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire singing with the dinosaurs.......). Life is good!
October 6, 2009
Great Give-a-way
Wow! What a great collection of stash. Check out Annette's Acre at http://www.annettesacre.com/stitchblog/ to see what is being offered up. Good stuff.
October 3, 2009
Good Stuff x's two or more!
Today was double, maybe even a triple great day. First I went to a Stampin Up event with my daughter and her friend Val. It was great. Val was the total newbie not only to Stampin but to being crafty. Well shall we say, she's hooked. The stamp set that was featured was one that I wouldn't have looked at twice at in the catalog. As always the demonstrators are too too clever. Their displays of other cards and items left us all inspired to come home and stamp-a-stack. Talk about organized! I think I am organized but they make the best of us look shabby. They must all take Organization 101, 102, 103 AND 104!
What a lovely gift this little greeting card pocketbook could make. A great teacher's gift with little note cards, etc. ![]()
Not too sure about this one. The technique was cool but the card left little area to write a message.
While I was out crafting my hubbie went out and brought me a new laptop. My old one was 4 or 5 years old and I have been very frustrated all summer with the slowness, the crashing, and so on. I even fried the fan and overheated it last year. I use my laptop alot! It travels will me. I am on the internet far more hours than I care to admit. As with any new toy, I have sat here for the last hour moving files into folders and just plan navigating about the system. Got some cool new programs and a cool new shiney screen. MS Notebook! I hope I have this at work because it will make my job easier! I need to log onto MS Tuturials to check it out.
Now I am up to number three fabulous things that happened today....I took a nap. Silly as that may seem, I am not a nap taker. I don't take naps. Naps are for silly, frilly, frou-frou girlie women. Not that naps are a bad thing but I never had the priviledge of the time to be able to take a nap. Three kids to run after, followed by entering the world of work and being on every school and community committee that comes down the pike...who could nap? But today, I threw myself across the sofa, with the sliding glass door open and birds singing and took a nap. It was good!
Finally, I thought I had lost my instructions for my Petit Sampling Etui. I looked high and low for the last couple of days and could not find my instructions ANYWHERE!! I had pages 1, 4, 6 and 7 of 13 with my WIP stitching but was missing all the other pages. I was one day away from emailing the director of my guild and throwing myself on her mercy to make me copies of her instructions all the while having to admit I must be a scatterbrain. ..
So you know how it is when you look for something? You look and look in the same place KNOWING what you are looking for IS there. Again and again you go to the same place and what you need it is not there. As I walked through my family room I see on the bottom of the pile mail and filing on my desk the blue guild folder where I keep the instructions. I swear I looked there previously. But all is well. My instructions are back in my hot little stitching hands. Here's the pic of my status with the instructions *neatly* in the background............
Perhaps the stress of realizing I was not the Queen of Organization that I thought I was was too much and is why I took a nap.
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